Loving the new photos - especially the wet suits, ch-ch-ch-checking it out! lol. Just had a shock "I really miss you guys" moment - you know how they happen when you least expect it?! You look really healthy and happy, hope the pictures aren't lying.
I've just realised that I may not have told either of you but last week I got to my goal weight with weight watchers! I had to stop myself from crying I was so happy; wish I'd been at my UK meeting but it was a brilliant feeling all the same. Spanish WW meetings are HILARIOUS! They just talk and talk and talk with no regard for the leader or anyone else who may be talking at the time. And they treat me a bit like a celeb cos I'm from the UK and WW is so big there and you can do exciting things like buy WW things in the supermarket! lol. So yeh, overall I've lost 2 stone and 11 lbs - can't bleeding believe it. Now comes the tricky maintaince stage - 6 weeks of working out how much I can eat without gaining weight (got a sneaky feeling it's not going to be a lot for me) and then I officially become a gold member! YAY!
Anyway, must do some lesson planning (how official do I sound?)
Love you xxx
Sarah Wilko
Where are you guys now???
I keep looking on here for blogs and i never see any other than from "guest bloggers" - but where are YOU James (by the way i watched finding nemo for the first time in like 2 years yesterday and feel i should go back to calling you "bubbles") and Rois??? I'm going to have a browse through this message board from some answers...
Hope you are both well! When will you be returning? March? Not long now!
Im getting a new car on Friday - so in the time you've been away - i have had 3 cars hahaha.
Anyway - pleease write back,
miss you byee xxxxxxx
Malky's last game in charge last night and by all accounts it was a well deserved draw(1-1 at Bristol City..Tommy Smith netted for the Hornets). Three important home games between now and Christmas against teams in and around the bottom three...Doncaster Saturday then Norwich and then Coventry ..welcome to the Championship struggle Buck Rodgers, Tottenham in the Carling Cup in between will be a nice distraction from the League struggle.
The new boss has announced that two consultants will be assisting him Frank Lampard snr and Buzz Lightyear.......To Vicarage Road and Beyond!!!
Cheers, Lee
Chris Mole
But you are still below Southampton...............
Back to work today and so thought I'd update you with some good news from Vicarage Road. I went Saturday and was delighted with the result and the performance QPR were very poor but we really played well.....and a clean sheet.... I must go more often ....only been to three games this season and haven't seen us lose yet.
New Manager will be appointed this week....Brendan Rodgers I know nothing about him except that he has been Director of Chelsea's youth academy and more recently Chelsea's reserve team coach..... I hope he keeps Malky on board because his experience will be useful in our fight to stay up.
Mind how you both go, all the best.
Gosh, I'd completely forgotten this message board existed having been on an adventure of my own. And to think I used to be such a committed poster!
All is well in Valencia. Have been in the new flat for a week now and I love it. Hopefully when you're both home you'll manage to visit; I'm here until at least November next year.
Work is going well; I am a teacher which is hilarious as I have no training or experience but my ability to blag seems to be going well. My students seem to like me too which is always a bonus. Plus I get paid 13 euros an hour and don't work mornings, yay! It's tiring though and lesson planning is a right faff.
Being back in Valencia is like coming back home, I love it so much.
I hope you're both well and enjoying yourselves, I can't wait to see you both, hopefully it won't be too long until we are reunited even though I can't make the welcome home party :(
much love from Valencia xxx
Hey hey!
Hope you had a good night with the Rock gang, sounds like you had a great trip - how are you ever going to choose your favourite when each new thing you do is the best yet?!!
Really enjoyed the blog - enjoy Melbourne. There'll be quite a gang of you with Ash and Harriet and Eoghan and Fiona - say hi from me.
Planning a quiet weekend here with the artic weekend ahead - thank goodness for cozy ugg boots!
Take care x
ps. Amy - apologies for not chatting to you in the hairdressers - I was too absorbed in evesdropping on the woman next to me!! x
Rois And James
Yeehaaaaa!! Blog a-la Mum and Dad is up and running - LOVE it.
I have to be v. swift due to fund restrictions, and the fact that we've just returned from our 3 day Rock tour and absolutely stink! - shower muchly needed. Great to hear from you Marie - congrats on the flat - can't wait to see it when I'm home. Always good to hear from you Moles - comedy central.
Got to run, we're off to Melbourne again tomorrow - bringing us full circle. we will blog from there, and upload some of our many hundreds of photos. All our love to you all xxxxx
i dont know why, but Dads messages always seem to make me laugh. is that just me? i think it is his use of elpises....
keep having a good good time.
love you x
Pa Mole
Hi Both. What a great blog entry and photos........it all looks fantastic and so glad that you're having such a good time! I love the look of Lake Wabby, sounds like it is one of those 'must see' places if it's due to disappear soon. I must know, did the turtle make it back into the sea safely??
Your mention of Dreamland gave me a warm glow. Richard and I spent many happy hours in Dreamland..............in Margate!! I bet they modelled the one in Oz on the one in Kent. Did it have slot machines that take (old) pennies and the jackpot is (a) sixpence and a cafe where the nightcap is a mug of Horlicks..........? I bet it did.
Great news from Simon & Lucy isn't it! Grace needs to get all the mileage she can before next year!! I notice Simon did not mention his appearence on prime time TV with Kate Humble and the lizards - he was great, a natural - he cracked a joke with Kate, the old smoothie!!
The scuba diving sounds amazing and your mention of it will no doubt elicit advice from one of world's experts, owner of all the latest gear, recently returned from The Maldives........Chris Mole!
All is okay here, although as she was unwell, Grace was off school today. I was particularly pleased to read the England report this morning which agreed with what I saw on the TV last night - another good result; we don't just have a team anymore, it seems we have a squad! Is there a link between the good results and you being overseas James?!!
Ma Mole returns from Ireland tomorrow, it'll be great to have her home (no, there isn't a week's washing up to be done!). I think its been a traumatic few days for everyone.
That's all for now, take care of yourselves and continue to have a wonderful, wonderful time - note that the forecast is for an artic weekend in the UK this weekend, can't wait! Love to you both from all.......
Hello to you fabulous two!
Hope that you are both well and enjoying travelling round Oz! Rois, your looking as lovely as always in your photos! James is a v. v. V. lucky man! Hey James! :) Hats and Ash will be joining you soon! Yay! I'd love to say that I'd come too, but Marc and I have just moved into a flat in Reading and have spent my New York shoe fund/holiday fund, which has gone into less fun things like council tax! Nooo! One day, we'll make it down under.
Hope that you two have a fabulous week! xx
Rois And James
Hello everyone!
We are successfully in Alice Springs after a 22 hour bus journey from Darwin. Other than being rather hot, the journey was absolutely fine - we even got to watch a bit of Ice Age. We're off to Uluru tomorrow (5am stylee) so we're looking forward to that.
CG - can't believe you didn't make it to the biggest tree in the world. Tut. Over here, there are trees that walk. True story.
Niamh - shame about the haircut - I sat behind a girl with your 'boy' cut - thought of you the whole time! My most recent cut was for $10 and it was good actually!
Nikita - brilliant to hear from you! Thank you for your message. Give my lvoe to everyone there.
Chi and Tony - well done Tony! Hopefully I'll get chatting to you when you're in Nunny Chi. Can't wait for NZ - esp now that we've booked ourselves a campervan!
Simon & Lucy - CONGRATULATIONS! We'll be busy thinking of perfect names for the new arrival whilst on our travels. Sheila Mole has a certain ring to it..?!
Siobhan and Andrew- would have loved to witness the joy of OT - I can still remember my first sighting! One day maybe you'll be lucky enough to see Vicarage Road!
Ok, breaky time down under. It's been raining here in Alice. Everyone seems gutted, but we're overjoyed. At one of our stops on the way down here the tarmac was ACTUALLY melting. What a country. Love to you all. Thank you for your messages xxxx