Niamh - thanks for the hat comments - I'll seek to wear it more now!
Clairemoss - We are getting on a storm with Jedi. Much like my relations with said brown trousers! We are indeed loving our advent calenders, however I was hit with the worst of the worst for day 1 - Turkist delight. What a slap in the face! Has been all good since though!
Dad - the solar shower hasn't left it's box - are you shocked?! We've taken to frequenting swimming baths for their facilities instead!
Maddy - Your mexico adventures sound brilliant. Well done. Hows the spanish? you'll be a new woman by the next time I see you. David Schwimmer hey - what a bad man. I never saw that side to him before!
Love to you all, a new zealand blog shall be on it's way soon. Suffice to say we're having a ball. xxxx
Can't wrap my head around a 22 hour bus journey! I'm baulking at the idea of just 12 to Mexico City in a couple of weeks. Kudos to both of you.
Sunday had my first MAJOR homesick day. Not as in wanted to go home. In fact I dont even feel im done with Mexico yet so am working out a way to stay on here a bit longer. But just desperately wanted to touch base and be able to talk to a few people.
But then yesterday was SUCH a lovely day. And this morning I had some training for new role in drug centre by the loveliest man ever. So suddenly everything is dandy again.
I cant remember where last update left you but i have now changed project and am now kind of freelance useful person. Am incredibly busy, feeling useful, excited and motivated and full of ideas and also terrified every day about what im supposed to be attempting in spanish now! But the change was definitely the best move ive ever made.
5th is International Volunteer Day. Think of me!
I had a dream Sunday night that David Schwimmer was a serial killer and he killed all of my family and friends one by one. Thats twisted isnt it? Im never going to watch Friends again.
Much Love xxxxxxxxxx
Dad Mcg
Hello there
Havnt been on here in ages,was finding the sums a bit difficult.
Great to speak to you at the weekend and hear all about your new surroundings.
Absolutely delighted to hear the DVD's work.I know James will be especially interested in Nancy !
The blog yesterday was brilliant and photos of the Rockamazing, I thinkmaybe we made the right decision in going to "Fish Frenzie"instead of the rock ...... much tastier and no walking involved.
Enjoy NZ Glad you like "Jedi" hope the solar shower works out !
Much love to both of you
Graham Simpson resigned at yesterday's EGM.
So the new era began at a freezing Vicarage Road on Saturday....The Hornets never got going against Doncaster Rovers and despite a fantastic indivdual performance from Tommy Smith(rumour on Saturday at the ground is that Tom's off to Reading in January transfer goings-on). Buck seemed happy with the point and I was also because we were hanging on at the end and if anyone was going to nick a winner it was going to be Donny. So it was not to be a winning start for the new boss and the performance wasn't great but it's early days and it will take time for the players to learn the new system - passing to each other that is!!!!
So it's Spurs next at home on Wednesday in the Carling Cup.....
Pa Mole
Afternoon you two!
Great blog..........great photos.............hate the crocodiles (why didn't someone take the opportunity to shoot some?).......but touching a snake!!!!...........speechless about the sting suits.
Longer message to follow. Take care, keep having loads of fun, love from everyone!
I loved the Uluru photos, it brought back very happy memories. I love that we both wore your brown trousers for the trip Smosh - I think both McGrory sisters could see their usefulness in being 1) cropped and 2) a colour that matches the outback dust! How was your first day in Jedi? Cant wait to hear about your NZ adventures! Biggest piece of news here is that Dad has seen the Coca Cola 'Holidays are Coming' advert! I got the gloating text at 11pm on Saturday night! Congratulations Katy! What an achievement! Good on you x And Congratulations Simon & Lucy - a new arrival to look forward to when you get home James! Have you opened your advent calendar? You get to do it a whole 13 hours ahead of us! I've got a Simpsons one this year. It says 'Ho Ho Homer!' on it. Take care campervanners! Lots of love xxx
R - Your hat...Maria Von Trapp - you know it!! Enjoy Jedi! x
James And Rois
Hello from New Zealand!
Thank you all for your messages - we are avid readers! We're hoping to get blogging very very soon, to give you our newest instalment. Tonight is our first night in our beautiful new Campervan! We'll have to let you know how it goes.
Lots of love, Rois xxx
Hi all, just to offer a quick apology:
I'd carefully written out postcards to lots of you and was all ready to post them when I for some reason decided to add them to the huge pile of stuff that we sent home via sea mail and that will arrive home in a sealed box about two weeks before we do. Useless I know. Rest assured, I'll post them as soon as I'm home, they'll just have a Hertfordshire post mark rather than one from Melbourne.
All is well here, we love our campervan, some of them have names relating to Star Wars, and amazingly we managed to score the campervan whose name is 'Jedi'. We're still pinching ourselves. So now when we're driving, I turn off the targetting computer and allow the force to guide us to our next destination. Good times!
Still don't really want to discuss football in detail as it's all a bit depressing. Still, we've a new manager, so who knows? Just need a new chairman, honourary life president and ground and a few million dollars and a squad of larger than 13 players and we'll be fine. As long as we finish above Southampton then it'll be a successful season.
Thankyou all for your messages,keep them coming and hopefully we'll be blogging soon!
Much love, James
Just listened to 'Fairytale of New York' for the first time this year.
It makes me even more excited for when you show up in Granny and Grandads house on Christmas Eve. Yeh, thats right, found out your secret.
Miss you x
Mum Mcg
Such amazing photos, you two continue to have fantastic experiences. Looking forward to the accompanying blog to get all the background.
Lucia arriving later tonight for long weekend. Eating out at Maiyango Friday night and also plan to visit Good Food Show and some Christmas shopping.
Have safe flight on to New Zealand, look forward to talking to you from there. Good luck with the campervan!
Love to you both XXX
MOLENBURG - Amazing!!!
Hope you are enjoying your last few days in Melbourne! I'm so excited to hear about your campervan in NZ!
Alas, I have yet to see the Coke advert - not even the taster ads they had out to get you excited. I'm okay about it though, because it isn't Dec 1st yet!
I'm off to a ceilidh on Sat night!!! Heading out with Lou and Emilia - can't remember the last time the 3 of us went dancing together! May need to buy me some gingham to get me in the mood!