Good news James & Rois, two parcels have arrived at no. 38!!! Will one have the address in New Zealand in? If so, which one? Can we look for it?
All well here, great to speak to you last night!
Annmarie.ciara Cathy&sara
hi u guys!!! we just had a look at ur pics and blog and they atre brill,,,we did the neighbours nite 2 wat a laugh..!we didit win any prizes though!!we suda done the irish dancing i suppose!!anyway we,r nearly in sydney now the camper van is great craic plenty of singing goin on!!! thanks 4 dat pot of jam...we still ave it and we think of ye every morning when we use it!!!***
Terry Wogan????! What? Why? I knew something bad was going to blight this year-away. Well, we've seen it coming hey. Fare ye well dearest satirical Terry, you will be missed.WELL I can't tell of my joy at having to take so long reading over all the NEW MESSAGES!! Thanks so much!Chris and Karin - very much looking forward to the sophisticated beer. We had soup for lunch and dinner yesterday - so we aren't jealous of your three-course Mole-gathering at all. No siree.GRACE!!!! You clever cookie! Well done, we're so excited! (well, I'm pretty sure James is tinged with bitterness too, but that just makes you the even-better Mole). Congratulations indeed. BUT drive safely won't you? Good. Hope Nandos was yummy. In Australia, Nandos is a takeaway, not a restaurant ... how wrong are they??Mum - apologise for the harshness ... but it's all about being on the front page, right?! I'll try to ring on your Sunday night if I can. xxxPa Mole and Ma Mole -congratulations on the vows! That sounds so lovely. I hope the crisps were at least tortilla chips, or kettle chips. You deserve that much at least. Did Millie attend? And, Incredible Hulk??? I think Ma Mole has some explaining to do, and Niamh is right - I think we should be emailed a picture so that we can get it up here.Niamh - so jealous of SOM - I'm going to have to join you for one of those trips in a few months. Or, hey, we can go to Broadway. Whichever!Very busy trying to upload photos - we've ran out of memory after just a few days on the road. We are now in Invercargill - the southern-most city in the world. Although "City" is a stretch. We stayed at a camping ground last night, so we're both refreshed after 2 showers each! We'll get blogging very soon. Love to you all xxxx
ps. did someone sabotage my advent calendar before it was sent out? I've had nothing but Turkish delight and Fruit and Nut so far. Tut. No worries - I just eat around it!
Dad Mcg
Just thought you should hear the big news here today,No No No not interest rate falls,banks closing,banks opening.banks not knowing how to trade anymore The big news is...........Terry Wogan has retired from presenting The Eurovision , those Eurovision parties will never be the same ! , still they have found another Paddie to do the job.......Graham Norton ,its almost as if the BBC cant find anyone in the UK to take this great competition seriously
Going to a bash in London to morrow night,so off now to get in some practise
Well done Grace on the Test
Have a great weekend
Much love to you both
The weekend is here! Off to Watford to watch Ed's school play tonight - they are doing Grease - all his form are on lookout to tey and spot 'sir's wife!'...great!!
M&D down in London town tomorrow - horray!
No other news with me - Sound of Music was amazing on Wed...kept thinking of you throughout Bean, made me miss you even more.
Moles, congrats all round - Grace on your driving test, and B&B on renewing the vows. (ps. Pls can we have a guest album on here with Bernie dressed as the incredible hulk?!!)
Happy weekend one and all x
They played well for long spells against Spurs, the winner came courtesy of Darren Bent who goal I felt Scott Loach was a fault with, he is doing well at the moment and is beginning to stamp his name on the No1 shirt.
Mumblings going around that Brendan Rodgers is considering his position at Watford following Graham Simpson's resignation this week..... and players to go in January...... its bad news at the moment! Tough game tomorrow away to Birmingham City.. will take a point.
Pa Mole
Evening to you to say I'm having a relaxing evening after a hard day, but Grace has driven off to Stevenage with a couple of friends for a celebration at Nandos (ahh the Leisure Park, what class). I await her safe return!! She is one happy girl today after passing her test - apparently she had the examiner they call 'Nasty Nick', but despite that, passed anyway. Mind you, there was a moment of panic (not to say hysteria) when at 6.45 AM, the paper part of her licence initially could not be found.............! James, I think you're in for a bit of stick!!
Many thanks to Mum & Dad McG for the great photos of the bridge walk, they're excellent! What a view! And the hoarbour behind looked good too....Methinks you're getting a liking for special suits - first the sting suits, then a climbing suit (although the fit is a bit questionable); I cant wait to see you in bungee suits!
Spurs managed to scrape a win over the Horns last night and Man U were lucky to beat Blackburn by all accounts (!!). As they say, Watford can now concentrate on the league.
Mum's at her 6th Form Xmas party tomorrow - she's going as the Incredible Hulk. Unselfishly, I have donated a pair of purple boxers (no comments thank you) and allowed a t shirt to be ripped in the cause of achieving that authentic look. Should I be getting concerned, as it was fancy dress last weekend as well........
On a serious note, had a great experience last night when Mum & I renewed our marriage vows at the church........had to kneel, did the repeat after me bit, said for richer or poorer ( I know which one it is now!!). It was lovely. Needless to say, I didn't suggest we went out or anything, just opened a bottle at home and had a bag of crisps - romance dead? Never!
As Chris says, we'll be toasting your health when we all meet in Basingstoke in a few weeks - mind you, Chris didn't say anything about buying the drinks or the meal.....Uncle Richard to the fore again!
All is well here and for the first time in ages, it's not freezing today - not in the south anyway, awful up north. Glad to read that you're having a ball - may Jedi watch over you. Take care of yourselves, speak soon.
Mum Mcg
WELL DONE GRACE! Does this mean March will see "car wars"?
Roisin, a bit harsh, I posted a message last week and after our chat on Sunday, there is not a lot of news! Booked visit to Cork for Dad and I, Claire and Karl, for Tony's 40th. Flying over Sat 10th Jan and back Mon 12th. Getting ready for trip to London this weekend for Bovis Guvner's Ball at Hilton Park Lane. Dad working at home today and tomorrow hopefully. Thought we would go see "Australia" the movie, but it's not due for release here until Boxing Day.
Glad to hear you are enjoying life in "jedi" and not at all surprised to hear the solar shower remains unused!
James, finally got round to sending your harbour climb photos off to your folks.
Love to you both. XXXX
just tried ringing you but i got "hey, its james leave a message.." very cool.
BUT, i thought i would just tell you,
looking forward to talking to you at the weekend.
Chris 'above Watford' Mole
Hello both! Loving life as always I see, the photo's look great!
Well done for giving the diving a go, I strongly recommend you give it another go in Fiji when you get there.
Loving the name of the van of course and your desire to be directed by the force! I'm sure you'll have a great time in NZ and look forward to seeing some pics.
Footy then - Southampton are still above the 'ford and have been given an easy draw in the FA Cup, some northern team - Home against Maincheater United or something like that. Either way the season is folding out to be a titanic battle to see which teams out of the Hornets and Saints can acheive the least mediocre performance and maybe scrape through without relegation. Fun as always in the lower echelons of the championship.....
Karin and I had an amazing time in the Maldives and we can all share photo's uopn your return over a sophisticated beer.
Family get together is due just before christmas which will be great. I'll be toasting your health and happyness and then forgetting about you entirely and stuffing into a 3 course pub lunch with multiple drinks followed by a good old fashion sleep on the sofa when I get home! Always nice to know someone is thinking of you!!
Keep having the time of your lives and will be in touch again soon. May the force be with you.
Love to you both! Chris and Karin X
Rois Again
Also, to both Fathers, a warm welcome back. But where are the momma bears??
LOTS of love xxxxxx
Hi all, we're having a good time still - Jedi is, predictably, amazing.
Cheers for all the Watford FC related updates Lee, it's easier to stomach the bad news when it comes from a reliable source! Not too shocked about Homer leaving, it was overdue really. Only problem is that we now may never know where all that 40 million odd quid went from our promotion. Still, looks like we played alright against Spurs, quite a creditable result if we played ok. I'll be looking on to the next few games with trepidation though.
Hope all is well with everybody, keep messaging and see you all in not too long!
PS - You all know we looked mighty fine in the sting suits so stop pretending.