Congratulations on the hand glide Roisin , good job I knew nothing about it as I would have been worried sick at the thought of you flying around NZ like Buzz Lightyear.The video looks fantastic ,well done but please dont get up to any more surprises like that xxxxx
Great Blog James,pity NZ seems closed most of the time (a bit like Scotland) Ask Roisin about our trips through the heather on our way to Ireland on many occasions.NZ looks stunning,the pictures are beautiful
Hope you had a good ferry crossing and enjoy the North Island as much as the South
Love and God Bless
Mum Mcg
Well done Rois! Just watched your 5 minute video of the wonderful hand gliding adventure. You were right to not tell us in advance! It looked "awesome". Great blog and photos yesterday too. Have a safe ferry crossing to Wellington and hope to chat to you from North Island very soon. Christmas tree is up and lights are on - BUT we a missing our normal artistic tree decorator!!!
All fine here, love to you both. XXX
Your blog saved me from nightmares last night - thankyou! I woke up again after having woken up loads of times from the same bad dream and decided that I really didn't want to go back to the same nightmare again so turned my PC on and lo and behold there was your blog to distract me! Thankyou! Apart from its distracting power, it was very entertaining and NZ sounds :
out of this world
(Yep i synonymed on word for you - feel free to use this message for inspiration in the future!)
love xx
I don't understand when you became gifted at spotting the various types of unusual penguins? Have you a penguin book (see what I did there?!) that has taught you such things?! or has Wonky been filling you in?
NZ looks phenomenal (new adjective for you James!) Some of the photos are jaw dropping - and wind swept, blustery cold beaches - amazing!
Better go, at work late and want to head home! Love you x
Good blog guys, though perhaps a call to Bill Oddie is required....You've discovered a flying Kiwi?!?
Pa Mole
Evening to you both. Great photos, looks beautiful & you both look well, albeit windswept at times! (by the way James, what did happen to your monster sideburns - Prince William has grown a beard; is there a connection?).
May Jedi (who looks very sleek) watch over you - love from us both.
Greetings Hobbitses NZ looks like a very special place. It is officially on my list of places to go! The scenery is beautiful. Baldwin Street looks like the road that they used in the Sony advert with all the coloured balls?!? I'm sure you would have included that fact if that was the case. And as for Jedi ... what a guy! Congratulations to Grace! I remember taking my little sisters out for a drive when I had just passed. I was too scared to turn right so we just kept taking lefts everywhere and were overtaken by Sunday drivers! Good times. It was so good to speak to you at the weekend Smosh. We had such a Christmassy day yesterday, we went to buy our tree in the morning and got to see all the baby trees in the field and then we went to a carol service in the evening in the grounds of Aylestone Hall. There were little candles everywhere and the brass band and mince pies made it feel very festive. We are decorating the tree tonight, I will think of you when I'm hanging up the Eeyore bauble. Miss you every day. Love you xx
The game against Coventry should never have started on Saturday the pitch was a quagmire but hey who cares it went ahead and we got the much needed three points. Tommy Smith was awesome on Saturday as was John Joe O'Toole who threw his shirt into the Rookery at the end of the game....I tried to get it for you but struggled I couldn't reach from the Upper Rous!!
It was Sports Personality of the Year last night.......I voted on your behalf for Jordan Stewart....Jordan didn't win this year it went to Chris Hoy.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Hola chiquitos, que tal? Just remembered how you did beginners spanish in first year james - random!
As always, loving the photos. NZ looks absolutely beautiful, the colours are all so vivid! And so good to see some posed photos - i've missed having random motivations shouted at me from Rois pre photo taking! Just got complete flash back to last time we were in shef....would have been james' birthday right? when we were all playing pool in bar one? don't know but it was happy times anyway. Almost a year ago now, crazy times.
Wish you could comment on the photos cos i kept trying to but then remembered it's not facebook!
Well it was my work christmas 'do (what's the 'do short for? i've always wondered that) on Friday and had a great time. Ended up in a club that played funk and soul and jazz music and i absolutely loved it. SO happy it wasn't RnB or dance or techno for a change. This prompted me to do more online research as to places that play good music and lo and behold there's an area near me that's renound for indie and rock music! woo hoo! now i just need to find someone who isn't an RnB lover to drag along with me!
Well, lesson planning calls, last week, wooo! love xxxx
Mum Mcg
Hi there
Well done Brian - the Hay saga has been resolved! Will note the new complete number. Good to chat to you last night Rois, we had to ignore all texts and news etc., until we watched the recorded X Factor Results show that we had to turn off when we were chatting to you. Good Result, Alex won and she deserved it. Throat was bad again through the night so spent today in bed and sent Dad off to buy a load of stuff in Boots. Feeling a lot better now so hope to get a good nights sleep. Hope you have made it safely to the north of south island and find decent internet to upload photos etc.
Love to you both XXX
Pa Mole
Hi Both,
Just to let you know, I was just on the phone to Trevor Hay and I told him you would be ringing him sometime!! Number is 09 834 1467, so it was the last digit that was missing (I sent you a mail as well).
Cheers, Dad/Brian
Pa Mole
Hi Both, thanks for the text yesterday.
Just a quick check-in to let you know all is well here - put up the decorations this afternoon, so looking very Christmassy now.
Went to watch Watford yesterday - good to see a win, but I wasn't sure if the game would be completed as the pitch was so waterlogged. So much rain recently. Chips afterwards were up to standard and had tomato sauce poured on for the first time - no charge!!