I am actually shaking! Smosh & James you are the jammiest dodgers around! What a photo to have! CG - Well spotted! Now there's a special birthday present for you Smosh! Unbelievable!!Happy bithday to you! xxx
Happy Birthday Roisin if you were were werring a blue grey and white scarf and a black and white hood or hat and grey gloves and James a browny jacket with hood up and grey zip I have news for you!!!!!!!
Your meeting with the Man is photographed and featured in the Irish Independent yesterday - thats one for Bono to treasure
Hope you have a great day and am really looking forward to seeing ye next week thats if you still mingle with mere mortals!!
Your fellow birthdayer sends his greetings
BONO!?!?!? Honestly Rois, if you're not finding amazing bargains in the UK you're bumping into celebs left right and indeed centre in the US! The universe is obviously shining on both of you. Like when James and Brad got free sangria in las Iguanas. Universe, well done you.
Well I've already said it on facebook but there's no harm in repeating myself, especially when it's...HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROIS!!! Hope you're having a wonderful day, or have had (i've given up working out times in the knowledge that you'll shortly stay an hour behind me which is easy!). Can't wait to give you both big birthday hugs and kisses, plus haven't seen you for over a year hugs and kisses, plus I love you both so much hugs and kisses, plus probably a whole load of OMG IT'S JAMES AND ROIS tears and the normal screaming and jumping up and down. God, im welling up at the thought of it. Hopefully this happy reunion will take place in April..Brad and I are both home at the same time for Easter and so HELLO REUNION!?!?! AHHHH.
Well i'll stop rambling now - must do some work really. or read new moon...we'll see.
Happy Birthday Rois!!! (and Brian and Seamus!!)
I have no doubt that you pair will end up celebrating in the White House with your ability to meet and greet the bold and the beautiful! Can't wait till your home to celebrate!! I hope you haven't gone off chocolate for lent - I was thinking of getting the caterpillar M&S cake!!
Love you x
Dad Mcg
A very very very happy happy happy birthday Roisin.Have a wonderful day in DC. I am sure James has a top restaurant booked for the occasion.
Memories of rushed ford cortina journey across Foyle Bridge with a panting mum to Altnagelvin hospital and your very welcomed arrival shortly after getting there.
Looking forward to celebrating in style when you get back next week
Have a fantastic day
Love You
Mum Mcg
So strange having you so far away on your birthday - Sheffield was bad enough. I am sitting here looking at a little piano, celebrating it's 10th birthday today! Very Happy Birthday also to Brian and Seamus.
So glad you eventually got safely to Washington. Looks like weather there is improving vastly over next few days, so hopefully you will be able to explore and see plenty.
Have a wonderful day and find somewhere nice for a wee celebratory drink or two. Chat to you later, I hope.
Hello there,
Greetings from DC. We made it through the snow this afternoon, and as surprising as it may seem, I have not yet managed to score a job advising Barry (Obama). We haven't even met anyone world famous today, we're hoping for Sarah Palin for comedy value.
Anyway, we're here safe, had a quick look round this afternoon, it's a great place to wander - famous landmarks everywhere. The White House is a lot smaller than I thought it would be though.
Off exploring (.com/jamesandroisin) some more tomorrow, we'll give your love to Gordon when we see him and try and borrow a few dollars.
See you all soon, and happy birthday Dad!
James x
you met Bono? waxwork?real life? Damn you really do get results! i cant believe it!!!
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y R O I S I N !!! Twenty three hey? twenty three........
i really hope you have the most wonderful day and that celebrations continue when you arrive home, you must be so excitied, everyone must be so excited.....look out for post arriving at 144.
missing you so much xxxxxxxxx
The Moles
Hi Both, signing in to wish you a very happy birthday Rois and hope you find somewhere good to celebrate!!
See you very soon, love from us all to you,
Bavin, Bavin and Bavin...........!!!!
Roisin and James! I remember one of your old blogs saying about how many Swedish people you've met and how friendly they've been. I totally second that. Let's all move to Stockholm. They seem to have got life just right there. Anyway just wanted to say have a safe flight. Don't know when it is but it must be soon! And Happy Birthday Eve to Rois. Safe Journeys! xxx
I can't believe in The City of Blinding Lights, you Got on your boots and met BONO for a Little While. I'm sure it wasn't Bad, in fact it must have been A Beautiful Day.
Did you ask him to Hold You, Thrill You, Kiss You, Kill You (maybe not the last one!!) I reckon Bono didn't want to WALK ON without you, as it was The Sweetest Thing!
I hope you told him about St Malachy's and Galaxy!! x