In melbourne now. had a lovely 12hour bus journey here and didnt rele sleep at all! Met Jack Lambert though and staying with him at his uni house with 4 other guys. Its cool and cheap!!! there a good bunch of guys and feel slike we been here for months! Its in a place called Camberwell, about 30mins on the tram to the city centre.
First few days we were here the weather hasnt been very good, rain and lots of cloud but today the sun was out!! Friday we stayed at the house and settled in and chilled out as we didnt sleep the nught before, saturday we went into the city to have a look around and check out a couple of places, then had a night in playing table tennis and drinking games with our house mates.
On sunday we went to a huge market in the city and got a couple of souvenirs!! but it was raining most the weekend so didnt fancy staying out too long. That night we went out for a curry with Jack and his girlfriend which was good to have a bit of a catch up but as he works full time i dont see much of him!
Monday we met up with our friends from college and went to neighbours night haha!!! Was actually quite good. It was a pub quiz all night with entertainment and 3 of the neighbours cast were there! then one of then played a set with his band who were quite good, so we all ad a nice time! Then on tuesday we went to the street where neighbours is filmed with our friends and they were filming at the time ha!! got lots of pics and some with the Ramsay St. sign!! Then went out that night in the city with our housemates, our friends and some locals for St Patricks day.
Today the sun was out and was lovely here!! we went up the Erieka tower, which is the highest veiw point in the southern hemisphere so got a very good view of whole of Melbourne, was rele good and tally has loads of pics.
Got a busy few days ahead actually, going to Phillip island. Little place just south of melbourne. Lots of wildlife things and surf and great views and we going to camp ha!! so ill let you know how that goes soon hopefully!!
Well i best be off, oh tried knagaroo last night was rele nice deienatly have it again!
Speak to you all soon hope everything is ok there
Love to all xxxxxxxxxx
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