Hey people, just wrote a huge long essay about everything then it just dissappeared so ill try again grr.
well in sydney central now, we spent a week in bondi in the end coz we rele liked it there and met up with some people we know at college. went surfing a couple more days and started to get the hang of it in the end and was alright! we took a coastal walk down to coogee one day to check the place out a bit, was nice and we saw some quite and secluded little beaches on the way and good veiws of the place, although it took forever to get there. we liked coogee and spent the next day there, it was still busy and the beach was smaller but was nice and that night we actually ate out! found a steak for $5 and got a free drink! not bad rele.
apart from that we have been cooking our own food and o be honest it was alright actually. just sticking to the basic like pasta and jacket tats but not to bad, had a rele good pasta last night with loads of veg and a nice tomato sauce and got that aswell tonight :) missing the roast dinners and huge portions tho.
while at bondi there was a huge mardi gras festival on in the center with a big parade through the city, was rele busy and saw a few floats but wasnt my cup of tea rele haha didnt enjoy it that much and wouldnt go again!!!
after bondi we head up to north syndey and stayed at manly. only had 3 nights there but we rele like the place, had something about it even tho the weather wasnt great. found things to do there, wetn for another walk round the coast, over beaches, rocks and through ome woods. Saw all sorts of animal, a lizard, some dragons and loads of spiders everywhere!!!! but no snakes or crocs thankfully haha but there was a shark spotted off bondi beach when we were there!! we rented a surf board one day, a proper beginers board and i did rele well actually gettign to my feet quite alot but it didnt last long coz the sea was full of jelly fish and tally got stung so didnt fancy that for much longer!
we met a few poeple at the hostel there and spent our last night out with them which was cool then made our way back to the center and staying a the cheapest place possible ha ha!! only here for the night and planning on doing the bridge climb but that depneds on the rain, and tomoro hopefully the zoo! then tomoro night we are off to melbourne for a week or so, 12hr bus journey over night im not looking forward to!! well thing to do places to go and all that but will get you updated what we get up to in melbourne.
oh and the coomers jingle!! was very good i like that haha and cant wait to see this dance ive heard rumors about haha
miss you all and will speak again soon
love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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