can't wait to see you Jacko, love you my darling xxxx
Deb And Russ
hi jack and tally sounds like you are having great time,russ remembers visiting all these places with your mum.we are taking emily on her first flight to denmark to see the gang coz they still have not seen u could be champions this weekend if they beat arsenal. love you, look forward to seeing you soon. xx p.s we're saving you a smelly nappy.
-alright jacko n tally , all much the same here ,man u winning all the time city still poo, the boys still arguing n beth still riding any horse she can , taking them to bulgaria in aug so beth trying to learn bulgarian aswell as egyption .... love all the pics but you still need a good meal n bout 3 haircuts , my mobile playing up at work at mo no signal so sorry i couldnt help with your quizz... anyway take care both of you love ya xxxxxxxxxxxx
Jack Burns
ha that doesnt sound good grev! but those places were pretty cool, just little towns with not alot going on!
archie ill be honest with you mate no it probly isnt the best idea for holybourne you might wake up all the oldies, but search mini moke, we rented one with some friends that was a bit funny!! miss you to mum xxx
Right that's enough playing now, I want you home!!! Love you loads and missing you more than ever, big hugs for Tally too xxxxx Speak soon xxxx
hi jack
my big bruvvv havent been on 4 a while -beths been hogging the laptop (jokes)mum wont let me get a mini motor one of them little motorbikes do u thing i should be allowed one?????????????????????
bye 4 now bruvvv
Grev And Vicks
Hey Jack and Tally
Well, this is third time lucky, don't tell anyone else but the first two messages I posted didn't reach you as I failed the maths test!!!!
The trip sounds absolutely fantastic, I remember Mission Beach well but I'm sure it's changed a bit since 1964(!) - and I've never heard of Town of 1770, sounds like a beer to me!
Enjoy every minute of it, lots of love from all of us xxxx
Russ And Deb
hi jack and tally sounds like u r having a fantastic time russ wishes he could have been with u to do the sky dive. all is well but busy with emily,she is growing up so fast. we have tried to send a picture hope it gets to u. emily christening on the 6 th september. hope the rest of the holiday goes really well,take care love u loads x x x
hi , jacko and tally . looks like you 2 need to do something all this sitting round on busses planes ect ... only joking fat ed .. im looking forward to seeing the pics from the last few days sounds awsome.all good here boys being boys beth riding any horse she can . take care you 2 n keep updating the blog n facebook with pics when you can xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
looks like your still enjoying your holiday very busy at work .on your photos you two look like same differance i expect you get told that all the time see you both soon
glad you enjoyed neighbours night,your obviously not a neighbours fan!.yep that tower is high,im not going to lie to you,i s*** myself at the top of that thing!.tidy.
The Man Himslef
Check tallys fackbook, should be some pics up on there soon :)