This morning Tom and I woke up several times in the night to mosquito's high pitched buzzing around our heads. I think we both were a bit worried as we were told malaria is not in addis, and therefore assumed no mozzys!! So not much sleep! Tom was a bit grouchy first thing, I think it's probably because he got leas sleep than me..
We went to an orphanage with kath. The place was in deep suburbia, but looked really clean and better than I had expected after we had gone through the rusty corrugated iron sheet gates. We were with the babies who had special needs.... I can't think of a worse combination to look after for 2 hours!! But after a wierd few minutes if being expected to know what to do we started to get some smiles and giggles out of a few of them. After a while it started pulling on heart strings a little as you soon realise this is the best these kids are going to get! For example this one fat little chap was sat in this little chair and was completely blind. We had to keep something in both his hands else he would start to probe at his own eyes!! But because he's never been diagnosed with anything other than blindness they don't know what the state of his legs are, whether his feet are paralysed or he's just not ever learned to crawl or walk!?! So all he does is sit in one place and listen and poke his eyes!!
After we went for lunch with andy and met some of the teachers we met at the quiz. "Injera chiera" is how you pronounce what we ate for lunch, and Tuesday we had some between us and very nice it was too! However today we had one each and all it consists of is chick peas blended with spices and served bumbling hot, alongside this fermenting bread, which was almost sour to taste.. After a while this proved too sickly for me. Andy said beat know when to stop, and was right!!
After lunch we went from seeing kids with serous problems to kids who seem wealthier than tom and I! iPhone 4's new trainers and the lot! We set up sone football skills and drills and took half Andy's class. Tom was in his element, giving them coaching, designing a tournament the works. I however enjoyed watching and occasionally shouting a bit of encouragement but I'm all coached out from work at the centre! Interesting bunch.
We then went to watch the schools under 14 squad play basketball. Quite a good game but was feeling slightly under the weather, perhaps from the first malaria tablet taken today.
31-35 we lost after being 18 points down at half time! Not a bad ending.
Pub was beaconing once we raced andy back on the bus whilst he rode his bike. Full of older locals, average age 65. Came back as we were both getting a bit chilly in our shorts.
Kath cooked lovely pasta bake with fresh bread. Nice shower now bed! Busy day glad to sleep!!
- comments
Turner gd blog mate keep them coming
Lozi Loving the updates, embrace every moment, stay safe XX
WILF and all i can do is cross the English Channel, or head up the M5! winter setting in hard over here;looking forward to receiving a warming message from Malawi. Thinking of you, and tell Tom we beat the Arsenal.
mum Come on Jack we need another instalment! Hope you and Tom are keeping safe and having fun x
rogerandjane hi Jack, watch out for those mozzies ! yep, another instalment please. FYI car was ace fun to drive home. All delivered to Ms Mercer XBB (Ex Ballard Boy). Have fun and stay safe.