We arrived at addis 830local time.
Had to pay an unexpected visa fee of $20 each.. I was a bit worried that our man wasn't going to be at the airport, as Tom had no contact details whatsoever!! So asked one of the air hostesses for number and address of hotel and price of taxi.... Got bags and went into lobby.. Tom recognised his relation and we met Andy, and little joe (4)
Was 22deg early so we were expecting a hot day.. Felt a but Ill after an hour or so.. But put it down to the hight of addis, 3000ft!!
Went for walk round town and had a real nice lunch outside little shop corner. Few smells remind me if Philippines... But real nice people all shouting arsenal at tom because he is wearing hotspurs shirt! Big game coming up apparently...
Going British embassy tonight with andya wife for some sort of quiz..
Feel bad as can't contact mum to say we got here.. But have got use of computer so soon I shall be able to! :)
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