Left the hotel early this morning and crossed the border into Hungary around 14:00 but there was no border checking point, so I missed it. Apparently there was a sign on the motorway, but i didn't see it. Because there wasn't a clear crossing we couldn't find a place to buy the hungarian vigneta,so we had to keep of the motorways, so we took the side roads. It was ok until we got to a river crossing and the only way across it was a ferry that wasn't there... we then turned around on ourselfs for another 20-30 miles and we eventualy found a bridge across the Tisza. Got to the hotel in Szeged around 8:00pm, had a shower and we all went for a wonder around the town centre. Szeged is supposed to be the 3rd biggest city in Hungry and it's a very nice and clean city apart fromthe fact that the roads are missing... I think thye're trying to dig out the tram lines so the whole road is gone. We stumbled across a John Bull english pub and stopped for a meal. I think we're all tired tonight and we have a long day tomorrow, so we're off to bed - we'e in Romania tomorrow.
Am plecat de la hotel devreme azi dimineata si am trecut granita in Ungaria pe la 14:00, dar nu a fost control de pasaporte asa ca nu mi-am dat seama. Se pare ca era un semn pe autostrada, dar nu l-am vazut. Pentru ca nu a fost control de pasapoarte nu ne-am putut opri sa luam vigneta pentru motociclete, asa ca nu am putut merge pe autostrada. totul mergea de minune pana cand am ajuns la un rau si singura cale era sa luam un feribot care nu era acolo. Ne-am intors din drum cam 45-50 de km si intr-un final am juns un pod de trecere peste Tisza. Am ajuns la hotel pe la 8:00 seara am facut un dus si am iesit cu totii la o plimbare in oras. Szeged e al treilea oras ca marime in Ungaria si e foarte curat cu o arhitectur foarte frumoasa, in afara de faptul ca strazile din centru lipsesc... Cred ca sunt in proces de a sapa liniile de tranvai si penru moment sunt doar niste santuri. am gasit un pub englezesc John Bull, si ne-am oprit sa mancam. Suntem cu totii obositi as a ne-am indreptat inapoi la hotel, avem o zi lunga maine: trecem granita in Romania.
- comments
mama succes cu drumurile de acasa! Pupici!