Sorry its taken me a while to write since byron bay!
After byron bay we made our way up to Surfers paradise which is a pretty big town with lots of sky scrapers right along the beach! The hostel we stayed in was nice but the people werent unfortunately so there wasnt really a family feeling there but none the less we made the most of it!
The weather was good when we arrive so we dumped our stuff and headed to the beach which was really nice, with loads of surfers and lifeguards which constantly remind you that you must swim between the red and yellow flags!!
We pretty much spent the next few days on the beach enjoying the sunshine and the lifeguard action as they had to jump in to help people from the rip tides a couple of times which was pretty exciting! its a good thing they are there as the waves are absolutely massive and i have never experienced anything like it before, along with super strong currents!!
on tuesday night we met up with an old friend of mine Trisha, from rotterdam and had dinner at the hostel and then walked around surfers at night! On wednesday we went to a water park wet and wild which was also good and then met up with trisha again who showed us some more of the gold coast and treated us to dinner! Kangaroo was on the menu but unfortunately all the shops had run out so we are going to have to do that another time! We arrived from surfers in brisbane this morning and walked to our hostel with all our bags!
Brisbane seems nice its a pretty big city, hopefully we will be able to go to a koala sanctuary here!! we have just booked our weeks adventures, 3 nights in noosa, then up to rainbow beach from which we will go to frasier island where we have a 4 wheel drive car which we share with other people to see the island and then camp for 2 nights before heading back to rainbow beach so that should all be exciting!!
Off to see brisbane now! much love to all xxx
- comments
Joke en Arie Hi Irene, spannend allemaal hoor, je bent inmiddels zeker wel super bruin. Leuk dat je gaat kamperen en ook nog met 4 wheel drive op pad, super! Hier verder geen speciaal nieuws. Veel plezier nog en have fun. Liefs Papa en Joke
Kiki Hi Irene, So nice to follow all your travels, especially as we know some of the places!! Watch out for hyena's on Fraser Island, lol. It is a beautiful island and the drive there in 4 wheels is amazing. Big kiss from all of us. xx
alletrje hi irene alles nog oke. is het nog interressant grote beesten wilde beesten of allen inlanders?? tot spoedig dikke kus ook van je nichtje Manon.. dikke kus