Finally managed to get on the internet so hear goes the past couple of days!
The flights were good although a very teary goodbye! I sat next to a half australian half dutch boy which was very helpful as he told me some good tips and was good company!
I managed to sleep most of the way and didnt feel too bad upon landing in sydney! at sydney airport it was a mass of qeue's to get through customs and immigration but still managed to get an earlier flight out to melbourne! managed to find the girls in the discovery hotel and plonked my stuff down got changed and went off exploring!
We walked around melbourne went to the queen victoria market and then went to the botanical gardens which were beautiful!! Then went back to the hotel to cook some food! Were sharing a room with 8 other people which is weird but a great way to meet people! there are loads of swedes here!!
Today we are off to ramsay street (where i shall make my debut in the neighbours cast) and then have a barbie ozzie style by the river here (as they have bbqs which anyone can use by the river)! so we have our sausages at the ready! Then were off to the lunar park and the ice bar (a bar made completely from ice) so a fun filled day i hope!!
Tomorrow we are off to sydney and we are all keen to do the sydney bridge climb but it depends how expenisve it is! Everything here is really expensive even the hostel so we are on a serious serious budget if we are to have enough money for the upcoming month and a half!! our hostel now costs over 30 pounds for the two nights so serious budgeting :( but it will all be worth it!!
so thats what we have been up to! will give u an update in sydney!!
love and miss you all!
p.s. it is hotter than the sun here!!!
- comments
Joke en Arie Hi Irene, great to read your experiences, looks like you are having a super time overthere. You might have heard that we have Olympic gold again, Mark Tuitert won the 1500m ice skating. Enjoy yourself and have fun. Love Joke en Arie
Kiki Hi Irene, Heerlijk he, Australie. Ik geniet altijd zo enorm in dat enorme land. Wij hebben de brug in Sydney 10 jaar geleden beklommen, awesome!! Je moet wel eerst blazen, alcohol test, ha! Geniet van alles daar en nog meer. Had je nog niet adres van onze vrienden gegeven maar als je nog nodig hebt laat maar weten. Ze weten dat je in de buurt zal zijn. Heel veel liefs van ons allemaal, en het is hier nog steeds nat en koud.xxxxxxx
Simone Hello there lovely, hope that you are having a blast (am sure you are!) enjoy the barrier reef! Say hello to Nemo when you've found him. Don't fall off the Sydney bridge :P Take care and hope to speak to you soon! xxxxxx Simone