Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
Well I must have been good as Santa came in the night.
I got a skateboard and a transformers Lego and a Christmas stocking of sweets and a sharks shirt and pajamas.
It was a day that was busy.
I skateboarded with Nathanuel and Eli and our families were invited to sharmaines aunty and uncles house for lunch. There were so many people I had no idea who anybody was or which family they belonged to!
It was a fantastic day. The sun was out and it was hot. We did a secret Santa which was brilliant. As there were 42people it took a while but in the end I got the best prize of all.....
A giant inflatable aussi thong!
Everybody wanted it and were fighting over it but because I had on of the last numbers in the draw I got it.
Eli got a bottle launcher, Nathanuel got a pestle and mortar, dad a dart board and mum a ball and cup game. Oh yes I did very well.
- comments
maxime hi noah how it going
becca send us an email glad everything is going according to plan!