Well today we found ourself on a car ferry on our way to Great Barrier Island. The ferry took about four hours but on the way we saw Killer Whales, Hector dolphins and loads of other whales "blowing".( and a jewish man spewed all over half the passenges! mum and dad were "hit" the most! so gross.( Eli got spewed on but slept thru it).
Great Barrier Island is about three times the size of Jersey but only about 900 people live here.
There is no plumbing or electricity and only one road. There is about three little corner stores that sell a few groceries but they are very expensive.
We had rented a "bach" for the week and the first one we went to mum couldnt go in because it was full of spiders, and mum is scared of them. She burst into tears and dad had to drive us all the way back to where we gor of the ferry to call the rental people to change bach's. oh yeah forgot to say that phones only work in one area on the island aswel.
The man sorted us out with a new place that even had a flushing toilet! The first place had a "drop box". He even gave mum a bottle of wine to say sorry about the spiders but she was so upset that she couldnt drink it!
The weahter for the first few days was pretty average and all our electrical devices ran out of batteries. Luckily mum had her kindle which never runs out so we read "Born to Run".
We went on a bush walk which took us to a thermal stream and we had a swim in the hot water.
We pretty much did nothing else except surf every day.
One day we went on an adeventure surf! thats where we had to cross an estuary and a sting ray saw flapping about. mumdidnt much like that.
The water was crystle clear and by the end of the week it had realy warmed up. Mum even went for a swim!
On the way home we saw more dolphins at the bow of the boat and more whales to. Thats pretty cool.
Nathanuel gets in tomorow so we will have a full van.
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