The place with everything and nothing aside from the few beautiful beaches that we frequently visited. The town where they filmed "Australia", stars such as Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman previously walking these very streets that we crawl back from in the early hours of Saturday morning from the not so grand Grandview across the road from our military style hostel that was frequently visited by the omnipresent cleaner by day spy by night. The hostel was a far cry from the nonchalance of cotton tree, the plethora of rules setting limitations of freedom in what we were to call home for a few weeks. Ultimately it ended for Charlie and I leaving ungracefully through the back door after being kicked out by the misanthropic, narcissistic dictator that is Alan.
The last few days were spent living lawlessly and freely out the back of a car, the tri shared Pete, Showering at the harbour and indulging in Bowen's fine eateries. $5 pizzas from dominoes.
In between working in the bean shed and being unceremoniously kicked out of the hostel we managed to spend time with our chemistry boffin, Sash. With nothing and everything happening in the days she came to visit.
Bogans, bush doofs, beaches, bays, balloons, BBQs, beans, butternuts beetroot, black cockatoos and a 90,000 dollar mango.
Our final day was spent on a Family outing to the Whitsunday's, one of the best beaches in the world. A day of speedy rafts, sharks, snorkelling, sunbathing and sunburn.
The next stop for the Charlie, Nanna and myself, laidley. Leaving behind a family we will be reunited with in the weeks to come.
Nothing. No one. Bowen
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