Today we were very rudely awoken by the idiot above me (we are in bunk beds) who somehow thought it was acceptable to turn on the main light at goodness knows what time. Suppose he thought because he was up... Everyone should be. Honestly some people's lack of consideration and politeness often shocks me. Anyway we were thankfully getting up early anyway, just obviously a bit earlier than expected.
We got dressed and headed downstairs where Steven had some toast and I had a cuppa... Could get used to this free tea and coffee. We then gathered our things and headed to the metro to get the train. This morning we were heading to the Myanmar/Burma embassy to apply for our tourist visas. We had come to the conclusion that we haven't shut up about the place since arriving in Asia and would therefore massively regret it if we didn't go there, especially as we have heard such wonderful tales of people's time there.
We arrived at the embassy shorty after nine and wow it was crazy... People everywhere, though thankfully the tourist visa queue was fairly short and apart from an American guy who was refused entry on the plane and had to come back... We were the only westerners. The whole process was relatively painless and over in less than an hour. We filled in the forms... Submitted our photos and passports (eeks) and paid the $30 each. We will find out tomorrow if we are successful or not... Dun dun dun!!
After the relief of getting that done we headed over to the Petrona towers where we could pass through to get to the shopping centre. Sam and Charlotte had told us about a huge shopping centre called Times Square and we had to see it. They were right about the size of it, it's huge! Its one of the largest in Asia and even has an indoor theme park as well as cinema and bowling alley. We finally found it and headed in where we then spent the next four hours traipsing round the shops. We were thinking of invading the other two who were having a fun filled day in the centre but in the end we just didn't have time.
We had a good look round and managed to replace Steven's broken flip flops, find me a dress as well as get us both a watch for one pound fifty each. Mines a cute pink converse and Stevens is a very nice Armani lol. We had some lunch which was delicious from the food court before we shopped and shopped and shopped until we couldn't any more and decided to stroll home. On leaving we were in for a shock...
The sky was grey/black and it was chucking it down, it was like a monsoon and the roads were already flooding plus it was accompanied by the loudest thunder I have heard in a long time. We braved the rain and ran to the monorail which took us within ten mins walk of the hostel. After disembarking from the train we stood and pondered in the shelter for a few mins before we decided to just make a run for it... So we did. The rain had thankfully lessened slightly so we didn't get too wet but the place was flooded. We arrived back into the warmth of the hostel and put the kettle on before the jim jams were on and the DVDs were playing. We messaged the guys with the suggestion of rearranging tonight's meal to tomorrow! Far to grim out there to set foot again tonight. Instead we dined on noodles and chilled with a movie.
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