We were woken abruptly by a guard telling us that we were in Kuala Lumpur central so in a daze we jumped up, I quickly swapped my bottoms and we staggered off the train. The station was fairly quiet as it was a Sunday morning and not yet six so it had a welcome calmness about it. It was also very strange waking up in a different country without entering or exiting an airport.
We headed up to the main terminal and while Steven located a cashpoint I headed to the toilet to brush my teeth and wash my face. The subway was yet to open so when had completed our respective priorities we went to find a seven eleven where the guy (very kindly) let us have some hot water to heat our noodles. We then sat by KFC and tucked into our breakfast which was delicious given the lack of food last night... We were very proud of ourselves for resisting the McDonald's downstairs given how hungry we were. We sat and chatted for a little while before the subway opened and we were on our way. We were travelling only one stop so I suppose had we not been half a sleep we could have walked.
However the subway won this morning and we bought our tickets, where after a very brief ride we were at our station. On exiting we could see Kuala Lumpur was just waking up and it still hadn't hit us that we were no longer in Thailand. The sky had a pink haze to it and very cloudy, the air was also warm with a slight moistness to it which was already making us feel sticky. On exiting the station we walked less than five minutes through the rustic and lantern filled streets of Chinatown before we found our hostel... Agosto guesthouse.
The guy inside buzzed us in and despite the early hour (just after seven) was very warm and friendly to us. Obviously it was way too early to check in as we we had booked a dorm and our beds still filled but he invited us to the small kitchen, where we had access to free tea and coffee. We sat down and enjoyed a steaming hot mug of sweet coffee while taking a look at one of the free maps. The guy was very helpful and told us some basic Malay we could use whilst here and a bit about the hostel. At this moment a guy came into the kitchen carrying his tripod and camera with his curly hair all messily tousled. He was saying something about the annoyance of having a hobby which is best in the early morning... Photography. He was heading out to the Petrona towers and I made a mental note to corner him later as he said a friendly hello to us as he flew by.
The guy behind reception was very nice and said we could have breakfast at eight (they do a free breakfast here) which we thought was sweet given we hadn't stayed last night. We carried on sipping our coffee and researching Malaysia before Steven sampled their breakfast of toast and cereal. We then decided to make the most of the fact we were up early and headed out to the Petrona towers which are one of Kuala Lumpurs main attractions. The towers used to be free to climb but now cost fifteen pounds which we weren't prepared to pay. We saw little point given the misty day and the fact most views are better at night.
We headed out and caught a free bus to Bintang where the shopping malls are located before walking to the towers a short walk away. They are quite impressive and we took some nice photos before heading over to the mall. We wanted to enjoy a look around a nice air conditioned building as it was already getting hotter and hotter by the second. The morning had a nice slow pace about it and I suppose that's because it was Sunday and most were still in bed. We looked around the shops before grabbing a drink and discussing our desire to go to Myanmar/Burma. We both really want to see the country and really had to make a decision whether we were going to or not as we would have to sort the visa while here in Malaysia.
By early afternoon we were feeling pretty tired so took a slow walk back to our hotel passing through Chinatowns famous market. While on the market we were flouted with more extortionate prices than the Thais tried and I was genuinely perplexed at their nerve. We wandered through the market and down towards our hostel, en route there was lots of loud drumming and loud banging which sounded like a drive by. On further inspection it turned out to be numerous groups of guys and girls doing a performance with dragon costumes... The trafitional Chinese king and very much like you are probably picturing. They would dance around and eat fruit before letting off fireworks, we stayed and watched before our tummies couldn't wait anymore and we went in search of food. On the corner near our hostel was a traditional street stall which sold beef noodle soup or rice with chicken or pork. I ordered pork and rice and Steven the chicken. It was okay ...neither our best or worst meal and definitely filled the hole... I was a little convinced we may pay for it later though and only time would tell.
As we walked back up the street to the hostel we passed a young couple who were obviously looking for accommodation. As we entered the door and were in the process of taking our shoes off I could see they were debating our hostel so I stuck my head out the door and said "don't worry, its really nice" to which they responded with enquiring questions. I asked if they wanted to come and speak to the women who owned the place and they followed me in. As the young women was speaking to the manager the guy must have caught Steven's eye as he said "I can't believe it... Its not" to which I assumed he must have spoken to the guy previously in Thailand (we keep bumping into the same people). However it turned out to be a bit more crazy as the guy was actually one of Steven's friends who he used to play football with and hadn't seen in goodness knows how many years. They chatted for a short while then we arranged to meet up later for a drink. Small world when an Hindringham lad bumps into a Fakenham lad all the way in KL.
Once we were upstairs we sat in the lounge with a cuppa and I found a huge pile of girls magazines (I assumed it was good karma from reacquainting old friends). So sat and read them for a while while Steven researched Cambodia, before long our room mate came in a put on a truly awful movie. In the end I went and showered before settling down to watch a girls flick (the guy had gone off somewhere). Then at just before seven we got dressed and headed out to meet Sam and Charlotte.
We met them outside and while the guys caught up me and Charlotte chatted about our trips and such before we all hit the market in search of food. We eventually settled on a place at the far end which had the menus printed on the table. We made our choices and then had a good natter while we waited for our meals... which when they arrived were tasty and very filling. Once dinner was completed we headed back into the market where we found a small cafe that sold cheap beer... They guys ordered one and me and Steven stuck to soda, for me it was because of lent but for Steven I think it was the price... Although cheap, not cheap enough. We sat and shared travel tales... Mainly relating to food we had or hadn't eaten before the heavens opened and the rain came. This didn't deter us and we ordered another round, although it must have upset a local resident as a rat came running out of nowhere.. Under our table and over Charlotte's foot and to be fair to her she didn't scream. We finished our drinks and as it was getting on we decided to wander back to our hostels planning to meet tomorrow.
On entering the lounge our roommate was up and I'm not sure if he is deaf but had the TV on very loud... Again. He was watching the expendables so all you could hear was gunfire. We sat with a cuppa knowing that sleep wasn't really an option just now as our room was adjacent to the lounge... However before long he has retreated and we soon followed.
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