Today was the day of days... The Taj Mahal. We were to get up very early to ensure we missed the queues and saw the Taj in all it's splender at sunrise. We met the group in the reception at five forty-five and we were all shattered lol... However all the girls had made a huge effort and we were all dressed up in our Punjabi suits and saris. The guys... They came as they were!
We drove the ten minute route to get to the Taj Mahal and entered by the west gate and we were pretty much the first people there. It was still dark when we arrived and very cool so although we were wearing beautiful Indian clothes, we had jumpers and cardigans on top. We weren't in the queue long when my tummy started cramping and I felt a bit sick... I felt awful! Couldn't believe it... Today of all days. I took two loperamides, a buscupan and a random charcoal tablet Stella gave me... I was taking no chances! That hour waiting to go in was soooo long! All I wanted was the loo and felt so nauseous, I started feeling warm too so took my jumper off and gave it to poor Vanessa who hadn't bought anything warm and was freezing in her sari. Poor Steven was eyeing me from a distance as guys and girls stand in separate queues, and so I sat down and curled up. In the queue next to us was a young Indian girl and her ten month old baby... That was a nice distraction and we enjoyed tickling her baby and making her laugh.
After what seemed like forever, six fifty came and we were allowed inside... We walked through a massive gate and then passed through a small security area. The rules are so strict on entering the Taj Mahal... So many things are prohibited. You are only allowed to take in water and no juice etc., also no makeup, pens or anything that could potentially mark the Taj Mahal. You're not allowed to take in iPods or even spare batteries in case of bomb scares. We took no chances and fully charged our camera and left everything at the hotel.
Once past security, you enter through into a courtyard... Very similar to many of the temples and palaces we have visited on the trip, it was a little way from the palace and you still can't see the Taj Mahal. It's only when you walk through the courtyard and turn right that you are met by another large imposing gated arch and can see the Taj Mahal perfectly framed within... It's quite something. It is a perfect looking building, so clean and so beautiful, I can fully understand all the attention it receives.
However I had more important things on my mind and once we were through I proceeded to turn right and run to the loo! The sign outside said it was two rupees to go to the loo or free to foreigners (probably because it cost us seven hundred and fifty rupees to see the Taj and Indian nationals twenty). Although many will try and get you to pay... However this guy was not standing in my way and I ran straight past him! I imagine you are now picturing the famous scene from dumb and dumber but alas it was actually ...and thankfully a big anticlimax and my tummy wasn't too bad.... I just had this horrid cramping tummy ache which even remains today.
Now this drama was over I slowly walked back to the group and perched on the wall facing the wonderful sight of the Taj Mahal in the early morning sun... There was a slight fog around it, which makes it feel quite mystical as the fresh winter sun tried to burn through. We were given a bit of a brief history of the Taj Mahal along with some stories... it's always my favourite part of the trip.
The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Shah Jahan who once said of the Taj ...that it would make the sun and the moon shed tears from its eyes. The story goes as follows... the emperor had been married twice previously and one day spotted his wife to be ...Mumtaz Mahal in a market and fell in love instantly. The emperor apparently told his father he was in love and would marry this girl. They did eventually marry and remained very much in love, doing everything together. She rarely left his side... Even in battle ...which is rare for such times. They had thirteen children together before she fell pregnant again at thirty nine, it was during this thirteenth pregnancy and while out in a remote location that she developed complications with the pregnancy and died. It is said that while she was on her deathbed she made three requests to her husband... One was to take care of their remaining children and treat all equally, two was to never remarry and three was to build a lasting reminder of their love. After she died, her husband was understandably devastated and didn't leave his room for a week... When he did, he was a changed man... Frail and weak. It is believed he was so devastated his hair turned grey overnight.
Construction began the year after and took twenty two years in total, this is represented by twenty two marble domes on the gate in which you enter. The building was made from brick and covered in marble facing, such a good job was done that most think the building is pure marble. The emperor initially wanted this but was advised against it due to the sheer weight on such soft ground. He was adamant that the building was to with stand everything nature was to throw at it and even made the tall pillars on each corner lean out slightly, so in the likelihood of an earthquake, the pillars would fall away from his beloved in her precious tomb.
Not long after the completion of the build and after half their children had perished through various diseases... The emperor was in prisoned by his son Aurangzeb and placed under arrest at Agra fort. It's from here that he spent the next eight years seeing the Taj through the window of his room, his only wish being that he's placed beside his wife upon is death.
The place is magical... So pretty and clean. We arrived early morning so there wasn't a horrendous amount of people but that soon changes. For example it's virtually impossible to get to the 'Diana' bench although we did get a shot or two. We took so many photos ...then out came the silly shots... Holding the Taj and jumping. As you get nearer onto the marble foundation you have to wear shoe covers... (These are provided within the ticket price, along with a bottle of water). It's amazing to see so it closely as it's so ornately decorated and is breath-taking, inside you can view the tomb of Mumtaz and also that of her king. It's quite sad as when the taj was built and even now it is a stunning building and incredibly symmetrical. Everything was mirror image... Except his Tomb... He has been placed next to her and is the only thing that makes it unsymmetrical.
After a couple of hours inside we headed back to the hotel exhausted... And a little more in love! My tummy was feeling fine now so we chilled for a bit and Steven had lunch. We then headed to Agra fort... Here we walked around and heard all the stories of the fort. It's a very impressive build and took ninety five years to complete. It is situated on the Yamuna River and one of the finest examples of Mughal forts in India. It was constructed by Emperor Shah Jahan's grandfather Akbar. It is huge and still used by the Indian army today. When Shah Jahan was ruling he transformed it into a palace and it later became his prison.
When you walk around it... It really is something. I was feeling quite rotten with a tummy ache but was still mesmerised by the place. The work that has gone into the build is quite incredible. The fort has double walls that are over twenty meters tall... Outside the first wall was a moat which housed man eating crocodiles... Then between the two walls lived a Bengal tiger. This ensured maximum protection against the enemy. The fort is a maze of rooms and courtyards and it's amazing to think of how it must have looked. We walked through the old courtyard which is now covered in grass... But in the days of Shah Jahan it was a ladies bazaar that used to be held monthly for ladies to come and shop. It was here he first saw his beloved, he then made it into a big fish pond after they married and moved the bazaar to Delhi. Here they would fish together and have competitions on who would catch the first fish. It's said that she always won... But only because he was so taken by her that he would just sit and stare at her beauty.
We then headed upstairs and in to a beautiful round room that was used by Shah to relax and enjoy the view... It overlooks the river and would be quite relaxing. From this room you can see the room in which he was imprisoned by his son... We found our way there and WOW!!! The room is stunning... It's an apartment made of marble that has been inlaid with stunning stone and jewels (similar to the Taj) and was absolutely gorgeous... You aren't allowed in the room but can see it from behind a small fence. You can see the round bay window area where he would sit and you can even see the Taj. It's really something... Not like you would imagine! The whole room is bigger than our whole flat!
After the fort we headed to the Baby Taj and that was pretty cool... It's a smaller version of the Taj Mahal but is actually older and the first example of a white stone building in India and used as inspiration for the Taj Mahal. It's a tomb and sits on the riverside, in very beautiful gardens... Despite how tired we were, we still enjoyed it immensely. There was also weddings going on nearby which was very entertaining... And loud. The building is wonderful inside with beautifully decorated rooms and a wonderful view over the river... There's also a few zealous monkeys around.
Lastly we headed to the opposite side of the river to watch the sunset over the Taj Mahal.... It was really nice to see it again, especially at sunset. This am was like a dream. It was so early and the day had been so long, it all felt almost unreal. However the Taj from here is equally stunning! We got some wonderful shots and it's nice to see it from a different angle. You can also see the cremations going on down the river so the whole thing has a very spiritual feel about it. We felt very at peace as we headed back to the hotel.
In the evening we went to Pizza Hut to satisfy Steven's pizza craving! The poor boy hadn't stopped talking about it since we arrived in Agra. We agreed on having an early night as I was feeling a bit rough but didn't sleep much as its wedding season here, and there was four weddings going on! That means... Fireworks, music and a bright procession through the streets. I didn't mind though as it was fab to see. Also uploaded some pictures onto Facebook to keep our parents happy :)
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