we have landed for Christmas in gorgeous Melbourne, 33 Green st...
Alex met us at the airport...wearing an apron with a kilted scotsman on the front- he got some funny looks, but we appriciated it!
Andree (sister), Jo-Ann (mum) and Bella (dog) were all here when we ariived at the house. They are really great, friendly, good to chat to and a nice wee family to be with! Last night Rose and I found out that the family isn't so wee, we went to a christmas family dinner and I was Chatting to the Italian grandfather, who landed in Australia years ago, with a family gathering of 27 people, so you can imagine how that has expanded! last night was just a small gathering however!
We met with Rose's sister's godmother's son, Charles, yesterday... Rose found it pretty crazy to see him on the other side of the world! we all went for a drink and a good bit of catching up was done! the night before we had a BBQ at Alex's friends house, and we all took a stroll down to the beach before food was cooked.
we would also like to mention that we visited Taronga zoo in Sydney last weeek and it was Amazing! so many strange and wonderfull creatures... creepy and slimy ones too- but at least they were behind glass!!! Rose, Hannah, Ed, Rosie and I all went, so we had a group of us to enjoy the day with! we saw a sleeping coala(haha how unusal of them to be sleeping =p) the seal show was fantastic, and the bird show was really cool...! 3 meter wing span vulture flying over your head- bit of a shock! but the coolest by far was the Kangaroos, we got to walk through there enclosure and that meant you could get pretty close... but we stayed on the designated paths and took pictures.. I tried to give one a hug, Rose brought me to my senses haha!
Our last couple of days with the Freemans were well spent, checking out watsons bay, eating calamari (very tasty) and looking around parts of the local area! Rose's other 2nd cousins, Elizabeth and her daughter Katherine were also staying with the Freemans last week, just for two nights, it was nice for me to meet them also, and great for Rose to see them again! We have both loved Staying with the Freemans, a lovely family, and great way to strengthen up some family bonds, we are looking forward to seeing Isabella over our way in the near future!!!
now we are deciding on New Year plans, so it's all pretty exciting at the moment, but before that we have christingle (I would call it secret santa if that helps) with the family, and Rose has one of the cousins, so we are working on what to get this person we havent met yet!!!!!!!!!!! 17 year old boy in a band... any clues?
Anyway, it's a nice sunny day, so will catch up again soon
much love xxx
- comments
granny sue /so glad you enjoyed being with the Freemans, lovely e-mail from Josette saying what wonderful guests you both were, helping so much and being so charming!!!! Melbourne sounds as if it will be fun, lovely to be there for Christmas, am going to say Happy Christmas Rose, now as have not sent anything yet, However will send Daddy a piece of paper for you which you can get from him if necessary to help with all these lovely excursions you have booked for! Will be thinking of you on THE DAY being hot, we have lots of snow, and I couldn't get out for 2 days last week. Ricky & family were here and he had to dig out quite a bit, so that they could leave,had a good supper with Posy and Pete over here too. Lots of love to you darling, wonderful getting your blogs and imagining you having such fun. Granny and Grandfather
judy hi to you both hope sweetheart you have got my email i sent to you on 21st so glad you are savely in melbourne and having such a lovely time. have just had two nice days with m and d who are fine thinking of you lots loads love mummy
Granpa B Hope you have super Christmas,lots of love Granny and Granpa Binker
Ingasmumanddad Great blog, good to know that Koalas sleep a lot! Your lovely Aussie Christmas card arrived today, perfect timing. You'll be there with Santa hours before us... Weird! All well here but still too snowy to use Skodas on the hill. The tree is super, fills the Roundie which is fine due to this year's depleted numbers; between that and the jaguar (yours not Dad's!) we will keep each other company. Lots of lovexxxxxxxxxxx
Juicy Lucy Hope you are appreciating my creative names! Haha! Really great blogs - so thanks for keeping us updated, makes you seem somehow not as far away but then I guess in a sense it just makes me miss you even more! Good luck with the prezzy hunting - you could always get him a guitar strap or something, or just make something Scottish...tablet? Haha! Hope you are both excited in the build up to Christmas. All my brothers are home but thinking of you guys lots. Miss you millions, all my love, Luce Xxxxx PS. Might try and get technical soon and send you a video over YouTube (Emphasis on the "might") Xxxxxx
Granpa Binker We are really thrilled that you have been offered a place at LSE, very well done. We so much enjoy your blog, it is just great to be in touch with you. With best wishes for the New year. Lots of love Granny and Granpa Binker.
Geoffrey Well, it is now the 2nd Jan and a Happy New Year to you both. I did send you a text on NY eve but it didn't get through. We are still snow bound here and it is now two weeks and two days since the temp got above 1C. More snow today and more forecast from tomorrow ans Monday. Dasisy gets back from Berlin on Monday and Mori is off to Switzerland sking today. I have have a card for you bank accouint Rose - this is good news because my own funds are running low! But seriously, I don't have a PIN yet so cannot move your money for you yet (but can always forward you cash if you get short). Tigs sends her love. Lol Px.