Happy New Year!!!!!!
Wow, it's been a while since we have had a big new blog entry... and tonight will be our last night in Victoria, so we want to tell you all about the exciting things we've been cramming in over the last few weeks!
Our Christmas was excellent, we spent it with the family and their cousins on Jo-Ann's side. The day was slightly overcast but still pretty hot compared to what you guys must of had! We had a cold Christmas lunch which was awesome. The food was great, especially a jelly which had different layers of colour! Thank you very much everyone who made the lunch! Prior to lunch we had present, we both got something from our families which was very kind of them. But the most generous has to be the Cittandini family who gave us sooo many lovely gifts including chocolate and clothes, always winners! We went outside as the afternoon brought some nice weather. We learnt how to play Australian footbal which was interesting, you can each kick or punch the ball, stange, in between our football and rugby i guess! it was a greeat day!!!!
Sorrento was our next move! it is south of Melbourne, and has the gorgeous beaches. we got in the car and headed over to pick up Alex's mate Matt- we couldn't believe it, he was Even taller than Alex! It was a scenic route... until we hit the traffic, and in high 20's degree heats,trying to save fuel by not using the air con, it isn't so pleasent!!! haha, but we did it aussie style and lay back with the feet out the window (no worries, we had sunscreen on)!
We had preped our selves up for camping, psyching each other out for handelling all the spiders... there was hardly need for it, this caravan was The hotel of caravaning! 3 bedrooms, a bathroom and shower (we didnt use this however- there were designated ones in the caravan park), a kitchen - sink, cupboards, pots, pans, huge fride, freezer & and a top of the range coffee machine! AND to top it off, outside the caravan, but under those big extendable canvas parts... and LCD T,V!!! what more could we want?? oh yeh... a beach on the other side of those trees? check, we had that too =) =) smiles all round for Sorrento!
So what did we do apart from admire the splendour of the caraven, well not much...joke! Anyway we did a lot of swim on the beach which was literally about a 2 min walk from the caraven. The caraven having the best views of the Melbourne bay. We swam out to Alex's uncles' boat and jumped off that which was a good laugh. The water was pretty warm and the sun hot. We also chucked a ball about and listened to music whilst sunbaking (we always where sun cream mothers, not to worry)! That night a couple of Alex's friends joined us at the caraven. There was Underwood, know as undies and Marsh and Emily. We had a pretty chilled out night drinking beer/wine whilst looking out at the stars.
The next morning we went for a swim and got a burger from the local chippie where Inga managed to bag herself a job, go Inga, very impressive (written by Rose...promise). Then Undies, Marsh and Emily headed off. We decided to go and have a look at the surf beach on the other side of the bay. The waves were huge and there was lots of white water. The wind was also very powerful and so it was a bit chilly! We had a barby that night which was tasty, in Inga's words (she always says that, I have noticed). The next day Inga went to work for 5 andf half hours, working on the till. Inga got 15 bucks an hour, not too bad! We meet her on the beach on her way back from work and got icecreams which were awesome.
We returned to Melbourne the next evening after another day on the beach. The drive wasn't too bad especially as we had ipod providing good music. Earlier in the day we had been discussing sports and came up with the idea of playing golf. So the very next day what did we do but some golf! It was an interesting and pretty funny match. I(Rose) ended up coming last and Inga came second in the golf only 1 point behind Alex who had 60. Matt got 64 and I got 67. Par for the ladies was 34!!!! The first tee was the best, Inga literally, no exaggeration here, tried to hit the ball about 5 times and just kept missing, she got frustrated! (I- Inga, would actually say I swung at that tee more like 20 times- it was driving me nuts!).. Rose was a wonder at golf, she definitely took the most direct roote to the green compared with the rest of us... and might I add, that Alex and Matt took about 10 shots trying to clear the ball across a huge dipp filled with trees... Rose steps up... and wham!!! one shot cleared her straight over and onto the middle of the fairway! We sent the boys off into the trees where they made up for their lost balls (hehe) by finding all the ones people had missed! A very proud moment for the girls indead!
After a lot of sun we decided to head to the house that Matt was looking after which had a pool. It was a good afternoon playing volleyball in the pool, girls against boys, ending with a draw. We had a barby that night but there was no gas so we ended up cooking on the hobs.
We had plans to spend new year at either Phillip Island or on the Great Ocean Road but all the camp sites were full. So we decided that Sorrento was the best option. So we hopped back in the car, which was absolutely boiling as temperatures were about 37 degree, and arrived at Sorrento. Again we just chilled during most of the day as it was so hot. I(Rose) have to say here that I went on a run with Matt which was good as it meant that I was encouraged to keep going. Running along the beach was hard work but fun. I (Inga) would also like to add that I did one of Matt's torturous abb work outs- and very quickly decided it was unnecisarry and sunbathing was more suited to my taste!.. anyway, back to Rose =).. New year was upon us and we went to Alex's second cousins party which was about a 20min walk for the caraven. We met lots of cool Aussies and also a Brit who had moved out here. There was a strom and the rain came in and there was thunder and lighting, reminding us of Scotland. The rain stoped in time for a new year outside and we welcomed it in with hugs and kisses! After playing a bit of ping pong we decided to head back to the caraven. We walked along the beach, Inga managing to get her skirt wet, one step into the sea too many maybe??? :) Then we had a good old chat and headed for bed!
Then next day after beaching it, we went to the local fair ground in Rye near wait for it....ROSEBUD (joke for you, what did the Rose say to the Rose: hi bud). We went on a plunger ride which was seriously crazy and scary as the ride it held you at the top for about 45 secs and then suddenly dropped you incrediably fast to the bottom. I nealry lost my stomach!!! We went on antoher ride which was called the Greek Dance which spun you around and round at high speeds, i felt very dizzy. We then walked out to the pier to watch the lighting across the bay which was amazing as each strike lasted for a good 2 secs and then we were treated to fireworks too! Just as we got in the car it started raining, perfect timing.
Sherlock Holmes... This was a great movie! and I (Inga) think one of my Aussie highlights! it was so excitting! We did a Drive in- where we take the car to watch the movie outside! I just loved it. we all got our chairs placed them in a row beside the car, opened the window and tuned the car radio into the station which the movie was playing through! THEN, we got into our sleeping bags and we were ready to go! I felt like i was in a movie! anyways... enough about excitting drive in's, we are off to play some ball outside and catch a bit of sun...
more later =) xoxoxox Rose and Inga
- comments
Lucy-Lu Happy New Year Guys! I hope 2010 is a fantastic year for you both - sounds like you're off to a cracking start! I love reading your blogs and hearing all your crazy antics - keeps me smiling! I agree with you about Sherlock Holmes although perhaps did not watch in it in such style as yourselves. That said; A movie with Jude Law and Robert Downing Junior can't go wrong can it?! Haha! Hope to continue to hear all your news soon. Love and miss you both lots, Luce Xxxxxx
Ingasmumansdad That is a tremendous blog... I laughed out loud even though i am sitting here with only the dogs and Woad. Dad will read it when he returns from visiting Granny. Well done! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
judy Great to hear all your news in such detail sounds as though you have been having a great time. Do hope you are not missing your friends too much and have settled into life in Perth look forward to hearing all about it lots of love to you both xox
Aimee Paimee What an awesome blog :) Even though I heard lots of it from our little Skype date the other day Ingy, it still made me smile lots!! I am going to have to bring a pot of white paint with me when we are reunited so I can pour it over you so you're not too brown.....! Although I suppose I could just fake tan so I don't look so pale!! Haha :) Missing you lots and I hope you're both having an amazing time in Perth! Can't wait to hear all about it. The drive-in movie sounds AWESOME! I've been to the cinema to see it... twice. Haha I love it too, but have to say the drive in movie sounds way more exciting-kind of reminds me of Grease haha! Speak to you soon, lots and lots of love from a cold and windy Scotland..! xoxoxoxox
ingasmumanddad Perfect Aimee, I'll stand you the paint! perhaps we can all meet at the airport... Sunbake envy.
Jo-Ann Just catching up with some blog reading- you both sure crammed a lot in- activities, fun and food!! All the cousins from Xmas say "Hi" and Bella misses her cuddles. Me.... the dishes are piling up!!! Bet you don't miss doing those!