An update would be good before you Log Off! We would like Thailand pics please. xxxxxxxxxxxx
A strange thing happened yesterday. I was just rabbiting about when I spotted your car going down the track to the pumphouse. Of course, I went tearing after to catch up, but when it stopped and it was not you driving it, you could have seen my disappointment. Oaklie and I hope that you are enjoying everything but also that you are not toooo long in coming home to us. xxxxxxxxWagging tails!
Jacqui, you keep promising that visit, our drive is now like a motorway so you can safely bring up the Porsche, let alone the old charabanc. And thanks for the concern... I'm sure I need help but, Hey Ho! It is fun to be special (Rose knows this... ).
Anyway, Inga and Rose, thanks for the updated super photos. I have not yet mastered putting up mine on facebook but I will try again later if I can find an Ollerenshaw inhabitant willing to help me. xxxxx
sorry I seem to have fogoatten something else vitally important..
Mum - "just worked out who Bykse is, definate concerns about your mum...?!"
(sorry once again! - Emily)
Mum - "you've forgotten say 'take care'!!"
so yes, take care :) and also say hello to Alex!
looove xxx
hello girls!
Mum says "been scanning your pics... looks good out there, didn't know Australians had such big tongues (hahahaha)" ... great to see you're having a good time! The penguins were our favourite - very cool (mum)!
very busy back here, I've not been too well for the past month (Emily), was in hospital for a week and not able to return to Glasgow until April.. however I am on the mend (fingers crossed..) so it's all good! So yes I've been home with the little darlings to enterain me... haha.
I do hope you've both remembered mothers day tomorrow..! Haven't seen your Mum for a bit but i am going to meet up with her very soon for a coffee - if you're reading this Catriona - I will be in touch! (mum)
will tune in again soon, awaiting your return!
lot's of love, Jacque and Emily :) xxx
A terrible thing happened this morning. I was taken for hours in the car to that other home where They ski from. It was fine last night when we arrived so this morning I flew out the door, round the corner and down the steps... and everything went dark: cold, white stuff EVERYWHERE, right over my head. I vanished completely and I had a great struggle to leap back up and I kept disappearing into the stuff and I did not know where I was going. It takes a bit of getting used to, I can tell you. Then big lumps of the stuff kept falling on my head from the trees. Right now, I am looking out the window to watch That Rabbit, it fairly makes me shake... Soooo exciting! Cold, wet kisses! From Oaklie, too, she stayed in when we went walking.
A terrible thing happened this morning. I was taken for hours in the car to that other home where They ski from. It was fine last night when we arrived so this morning I flew out the door, round the corner and down the steps... and everything went dark: cold, white stuff EVERYWHERE, right over my head. I vanished completely and I had a great struggle to leap back up and I kept disappearing into the stuff and I did not know where I was going. It takes a bit of getting used to, I can tell you. Then big lumps of the stuff kept falling on my head from the trees. Right now, I am looking out the window to watch That Rabbit, it fairly makes me shake... Soooo exciting! Cold, wet kisses! From Oaklie, too, she stayed in when we went walking.
Happy Birhtday, Inga. While you are swanning around the ocean, slapping on SUNCREAM, we are under 2 feet of snow in Aviemore. Dad and I took a walk and the snow is over my knees, almost up to hip level. Just amazing. Winter wonderland. Too much to ski, of course (our luck, as ever!) as the road is closed up to Cairngorm Mountain. Have a super boat trip, Lots of love , xxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy Birhtday, Inga. While you are swanning around the ocean, slapping on SUNCREAM, we are under 2 feet of snow in Aviemore. Dad and I took a walk and the snow is over my knees, almost up to hip level. Just amazing. Winter wonderland. Too much to ski, of course (our luck, as ever!) as the road is closed up to Cairngorm Mountain. Have a super boat trip, Lots of love , xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Inga and Rose, your photos are great. They make me smile. A big smile! Hope you are still having a ball and keeping up with the sunscreen!
Hamish & Lorna
hey girls, not heard from you in a while - hope all is well! Just wanted to let you know everything here is pretty same old! take care - see you in not too long! sweet