After Formula One rolled out of town on Sunday the 18th, I vowed I would have a day to myself before I caught up with the blogging of my fantastic weekend. I was completely baked by the sun, and 4 days of adreneline and pretrol fumes had taken its tole upon me.
What was initended to be 1 day ended up being two weeks. Not much has happened since then though, with the time spent since a mixture of relaxing in the sun, doing work and just chilling out in Melbourne.
On the 19th I went for a walk with Damien down Chapel street for a cheap pizza at a place he knew. When he said cheap he was not understating. 4 Dollars for a pizza is an unbelieveable price in Melbourne, and more astounding - the pizza was better than most resteraunt pizzas, let alone store bought pizzas. For those that know of a certain Grill in Worthing - it was such amazing value it rivaled a certain burger! We headed back from the resteraunt and Damien showed me some of Kris's artwork he had hung on the route home.
Kris has placed artwork in various places around the city, having the stuff printed on large paper which he then makes a glue for and walpapers to walls and buildings. Not far from my house is a fantastic piece he has done by the side of the railway and so me and butzy stopped to grab a photo - see
Not much else of significance has taken place since then though, with the weather in Melbourne heading well toward Autumn now, and the temperatures dropping. One morning I woke up, and at 12 degrees it was finally time to wear the jeans rather than the shorts I have been wearing almost every day since I got here. A sad day. Still its not too bad, most days the temperatures still hover around 20 degrees.
At the weekend me and Butzy visited the last day of an indie games showcase at Fed square. The event was free, however the games featured were not perticularly fantastic, the best of which I already own. After visiting the exhibition, we stumbled across another, much better exhibition next door about the history of media in Australia.
Starting with very old cameras and going through to more modern cameras, newspapers, the first films and drive in cinemas, tvs, computers, games consoles, the internet and the social revolution that it has spawned, the exhibition was very interesting and informative. Best of all, it was also free!
The days since have been spent working - between Moomba, visiting the Melbourne Zoo, the Eureka Tower and the F1 this month, not much time was spent working and money is needed for rent! I had spent a lot of money at these various events, and later this year my good friends are coming and I need some money to spend whilst with them also.
This weekend Abi and Rob have invited me out for a drink, but otherwise I shall be trying to keep spending low. I will leave you with a photo of how my shoes have been completely destroyed with my recent commitment to excercise, running and my Formula 1 weekend.
- comments
Dave Love Lucky Coq :) Pizzas are so good.