It has been almost a week since my last entry and time has really flown. I have spent most of the week locked up in North Melbourne Metro hostel, working full days and spending the rest of the time relaxing. After 3 weeks of exploring and living off my savings it was time to start paying my way.
I set myself a routine to follow every day to make sure I completed a full work day. I would get up around lunch time, chill out for a few hours and have lunch. I would then relax until 4pm at which point I worked through till 12am. This meant I completed a full working day and had the most cross-over time with UK office hours as possible.
At midnight, I would wind down, watching a few hours tv or sitting out on the balcony before crashing out and beginning the day again. This routine has served me well to ensure plenty work has been done and Im still getting some time to chill out. I have managed to do a solid 7 days straight of work now, which should really help out financially.
All this work however, does not make for interesting blog posts, so rather than post every day with the same routine, I thought I would save it until a self appointed break (tomorrow!). Thankfully in my down time I have the internet to entertain me a bit.
Although the internet in Australia is far behind the quality of the internet in the UK, I would still say it has made transitioning to a life out here much easier than just relying on phone calls. It has meant that I can easily keep in touch with friends and family in so many ways, for a period of 3 weeks it was hard to keep up! Between Facebook messages, text messages, Skype, Twitter etc, I found myself in contact with people more than at any point in my life previous.
Things have calmed down a bit since then, and I have overcome the information overload. However, the internet has provided more than just a way to get in touch with back home. It has meant I can book where I am going to stay next, know where I am anywhere in the city, research places to eat and things to do, and so much more. Finally, it has allowed me to continue working at my current job, something I am very thankful for. I often think just how much harder life would have been out here without it. So thank you internet!
- comments
Claire Technology is out friend :D. Until the terminator, but as far as i can gather, Arnie helped us out on that one for the time being. Anyways, Its great to know you've been keeping on top of your work whilst being across the globe, not so many years ago this would have been unrealistic and i'm very happy we live in a time where I can still pester my brother from a whole other continent :D