When I left my hostel Wednesday morning, I took a taxi to the bus station. Due to some traffic jams it took me about one and a half hour but that was just fine. I tipped the driver a bit more since he felt like he earned it after having to wait an hour in a traffic jam. At the bus station I bought the ticket to get to Singburi and within 15 minutes I sat comfortably in a bus speeding off.
I arrived around 15:00 in Singburi, which was perfect since Wednesday afternoon was free time in town. So as soon as I arrived I marched towards the swimming pool to find two big trucks waiting to bring back the volunteers. There were already some volunteers waiting in the trucks and I was recognised by the coordinators and two volunteers. A lot of people have left the organisation since I have left so that was to be expected unfortunately.
The volunteers no longer slept at the Twinhouse but were moved to the Lemon house due to bedbugs in the matresses. Phil did not have any place to put me in since I arrived sooner but in a room with airconditioning and a hot shower. That was ofcourse a big improvement compared to the fans and cold showers in the other rooms. I enjoyed it while it would last since Phil told me that I needed to go to a regular room on Saturday.
I could straightaway jump in the orphanage program on Thursday and Friday. My main task for the entire period was making the cement since it was all done by hand and I was the only man in the program. I enjoyed it as well, some physical exercise during the day. It was very hot and after 15 minutes the sweat was streaming from my body.
In between the heavy work, Phil allowed me to spend my 7000 baht (=175 euro) that I needed to pay for the week there, which were 10 days instead, in the orphanage. This was really cool to do and I bought ice cream, 200 flipflops and waterbaloons for the kids. The waterfight was really nice and the kids had so much fun. Other volunteers had bought bananas, beds (which I put together with the kids and some volunteers), chicken sticks and some small gifts.
It was nice to be back at Greenway again, but I am happy to be leaving. I came here to spend some days before I would pick up Ryanne from the airport and tomorrow is finally that day. It has been 4,5 months since we were in each others arms and that is more than enough. We got some quality time planned in Bangkok where we will be sleeping in 5* hotels to relax and get used to each other again!
- comments
rik hey Huib, veel plezier met je meisje! Nu lekker genieten samen! Even de schade inhalen na 4,5 maand ;-)
Kitty Spannend! Hopelijk weer n gezellige tijd samen.... Geniet van de 5*-luxe. Zal je zeker wel waarderen :D
Ina Luiken nou Huib, volgens mij kan je wel wat relaxment en extra voedsel en liefde gebruiken, je wordt wat smalletjes in je gezicht. geniet er van , groetjes aan Ryanne, veel plezier samen! tante Ina