Hey everyone!
right now we have finaly made it to salta, argentina.... this took us about 35 hours hours to do and two nights on buses.... he he we felt like scumbags when we arrived.. much in need of showers. spending that much time on a bus is a little difficult, so were looking forward to an actual bed tonight.
monday we went to the falls again, as you can enter for half price the second day and there is so much to see. what we didnt mention was how absolutely untamed it was. unlike places like niagara falls, the entire thing is a park.. ie besides the paths, there is nothing in your view but pure wilderness, and thats one of the best parts. they have really done a great job of preserving that.
we went to the devils throat that day.. its basically right at the the top of the falls, and you look down. you can get right in there, and man is there a lot of water. you cant even see the bottom there is so much fog and rainbows!
that night we took a night bus to corrientes.. a small city on the way to salta, as there wasnt a direct route. we bused through paraguay, which they didnt tell us, but the border was fine, if at most a little intimidating (the uniforms are pretty militaristic). terribly hot and squishy on the bus though, and we got dumped off basically on the outskirts of corrientes at sunrise pretty groggy and hungry and tired.. great combo. we had about 12 hours to kill, so we went to the main square to eat and chill and nap, then to the river to sit by the water where it wasnt so hot. absolutely beatiful and cristal clear and there were litle fishing boats that would go by. it was super nice that we were stuck there for awhile, becuase it really was a city untouched by tourism.. it seemed we were the only ones there in awhile... the museum we went to was soo excited to see us, it was great!
Anyways, back on the bus, and this time it was a much nicer ride because we had top front seat, which meant we looked out over the world and got to see both sunset and sunrise over mountains and farmland. and wqatch people go by on motorcycles and horses all night. it was super beautiful.
we havnt seen much of salta yet, becuase we just got here and are doing laundy for the first time.. dont judge hehe... it was definately time. we found this great hostel, that is super sunny and central and full of colour and little rooftop patios. were going to try and figure out what we wanna do next, but the main thing is that basically there are so many things and places we want to see around here and not enough time at all. which is dissappointing. we want to be in antiago in 2 weeks.. so were going to squish in as much as we can get.
this is a new computer, and looks a lot better than all the other ones weve found, so hopefully today well get up some pictures for you.. we have hundreds. went a little camera crazy at the falls.. but i mean it was pretty awesome.
love you all!
scoshy and emma
- comments
Hallie Matt and Eames Hi Scotia! We love the picture of the falls. Glad you're having a good time. Don't forget to tell us about the food. Xo