so basically the last few days computers havnt really existed... so here we are now!
so sorry about te pictures. for some reason, we can spend hours trying to upload photos onto this sight..and basically nothing. i mean as you can see, there are a few up, but those are the first few that ive taken, and arent at all representative of our trip... for some reason with patience facebook uploads work, so check those out, we have 3 albums up already, however if you dont have facebook, then either stay patient and when we get home we can show a huge slideshow to you or something... its just after a few days ago when we spent 4 hours in an internet cafe, totally grumpy at the computers we decided that at teh moment it is not worth our time.hopefully we will find better computers soon,but untilthen.. sorry!
since leaving salta weve had some amazing times! we left salta int eh morning a few days ago, heading to a small moutnain village called purmumarca. there wasnt a direct route, so tey dropped us off at a road juction, and we trecket with our hugeee packs along the stunning and hot road to the town... took a few hours but it was absolutely amazing and we felt prety fit afterwards he he. Purmumarca is famous for its moutnains of seven colours.. basically its this little village, surrounded by these huge desert moutnains that are reds, oranges, purples.. greens..
This mornign we woke up super early to hike around the moutians at sunrise with a friend form our hostel and this dog that insisted on following us the whole way. it was soo beautiful! the colours were amazing,and all you couls see was moutnains and valleys in complete rainbows... with no people or nothing in your view. sweet! made you feel super little and looke kind of prehistoric.
we got really lucky today, and took 3 buses to get to where we are.. manageing to cathc each one almost immediately even though there are only a couple that run every day. soo good! and on our last bus ride there was this group of 3 little boys age 6 to 10, and we played and talked to temte whole time, it was really fun and they were adorable! we finally made it to cafayate.. after driving the most beautiful road ever.. it was all red canyons, sparkling rivers, and huge moutains and valleys.... i mean pretty cool. tomorrow weve figured out how to avoid the tours which seem to most peopple teh only option to explore..but we asked arounda nd are going to hop ona bus that will drop us off and well hike all day whereever we want. soo excited! and tomorrow were renting bikes because theres a lot of waterfalls and canyons and such in the area that are bikeable. and also theres only a few main roads, so well just go as far as we get or until we find somehting fun! yeaaaahhhhh!
Then its off to mendoza, which is a big city and apparently the wine capitol ofargentinal. apparently really beautiful as well, so we cant wait!
anyways, sorry also for the typingmistakes.. the keys on teh keyboard do not correspond with what shows up on te screan, go figure. he he
k, love you all!
scoshy n emy
- comments
Mary Toney Hi, The pictures turned out great. So happy to seem them. Your mom sent me some also. It looks like you two are moving on and seeing some wonderful scenery. Don't worrry about your spelling. We love it however we hear from you. Love MeMa