so this picture above.... well this is acutally how it looks, but i mean in real life it is even so much better!
we took a 20 hour bus from buenos aires after saying goodbye to all of our firends.. which was really sad becuase we miss them a lot. we met so many awesome people, expecially in the hostel...
we got in this morning at like 8 am.. and then went to the falls all day. picture the most beautiful fairy tail waterfalls, multiply them by a scale of a billion, then add rainbows and butterflies and colourful birds and jungle and iguanas (which we saw so many of!). and you have iguazu falls. were going back tomorrow to see the rest of it, but we already have a billion pictures.
for some reason we havnt been able to get pictures up on here, i spent an hour trying to a few days ago, but the computers here suck.. we well keep trying!
were hoping to catch a bus to corrientes tomorrow.. well really salta, but we havnt been able to find one direct yet.. its about 26 hours, yay! acutally the bus rides are really fun, it gives us time to sleep up and to see the beautiful country side.. we may get tired of them by the time were through though ah ah.
love love
- comments
kate Gah! this sounds amazing! i miss you scosh! lize and i saw bel yesterday and we really missed you....but it sounds like you have having an unbelievable time! timothy's can wait :P love you!!!
The Scho Hi Scotia, It is so nice to be able to read about your experience, please do keep it up. It is great for the poor people stuck in Toronto to read about beautiful places and exciting adventures. Do be careful, I'm with you Mom starting to worry too. Love for the 5 of us. Enjoy, you wont do it again. Nathalie