Hey there!
So today we had to go to a new home for the week while were here.... so we hiked all the awy accross the city part on the subway, but mostly trecking with our huge packs... only took about 3 hours. he he. but it was a good and beautiful walk and we have now descovered a much better way of staying fit than a gym.. and more fun.
Our hostel is perfect, it is quite jolly and were in a dorm with 3 bunkbeds. Its like a big sleep over. And its in a most beautiful part of town that looks like europe mostly, with cobbled streets and beautiful buildings, but a lot more run down. Tomorrow were going to take a day trip to Colonia Uruguay by ferry. Apperently Colonia is absolutely beautiful, and thats no surprize seeing as its a unesco heritage sight. yay! For some reason Emma was given a 1 month stay while I was given 10 years.. a little inconsistent... I have no clue wwhy seeing as I dont know how they would let me stay 10 years.. So we have to have hers re-payed for and stampped at the border.
I have signed up for a spanish language class for next week, so that should be good! Hopefully Ill learn something as very few people speek english, and sign language can only get you so far. he he.
Also cant put up pictures until we have eraly taken enough, becuase its really hard to upload tehm here, so at least were going to get a few weeks worth.
lvoe you all!
- comments
Donna Hi U2! Can't wait to hear more and see some pictures. Today in Toronto I had to wear gloves for the first time this season to bike to work. Brrr! Stay warm and take care of each other! Love, Mommy
Kate Hi!! scosh i miss you! reading this blog is giving me a fantastic excuse to not study haha. It sounds like you are having an amazing trip so far! Good luck with the spanish classes....hopefully they are more interesting then the ones given at UOttawa... Love and miss you!!!
Mary - Mema This is my 2nd try with this and I don't know if this is right. I've written from 2 places and I'm not sure if I'm right or not. Anyway you two are in my thoughts at all times. I speculate how things are going and I know you are haveing so much fun. MeMa