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Düsseldorf, Germany

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Sucre, Bolivia
Agnes Dann geniesst noch den letzten Tag in La Paz, Wünsche euch einen guten Rückflug und freue mich schon sehr euch wiederzusehen. Vielleicht kommt ja morgen noch eine Mail. Viele Grüße Mama
Richard Vielen Dank für eure Berichte ! Hierdurch haben wir tolle Eindrücke von euch mitbekommen. Die letzten Tage sind jetzt gekommen, noch viel Spaß dabei ! Kommt gut nach zurück. Ich freue mich euch bald wiederzusehen. Liebe Grüße Papa

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Lima, Peru

New blog entry posted
Sucre, Bolivia
Agnes Na da freue ich mich aber über euren ausführlichen Bericht. Sicherheitsstandards wohl nicht mit uns zu vergleichen.(wenn man an unseren TÜV denkt) Hoffentlich werden die Flugzeuge besser gewartet. Diese Reise ist ein wirkliches Abenteuer. Wünsche euch noch einen wunderschönen Aufenthalt in Sucre, scheint ja zivilisierter und eine wunderschöne Stadt zu sein. (bestimmt mit Wifi)Dann bis bald
Erwin Hallo Ruth, hallo Denis. So habt ihr euch das Abenteuer wohl nicht vorgestellt, oder? Wir wünschen euch für die restlichen Tage noch viel Spass und hoffentlich mehr Glück mit den Fahrzeugen. Freuen uns immer wieder auf die von euch geschilderten Berichte. Bis bald Papa und Mama

New blog entry posted
La Paz, Bolivia
Richard Tolle Foto's, tolle Reise, tolle Erlebnise und tolle Berichte von euch!! Danke dafür! Liebe Grüße Richard PS: ich werde die Bilder drucken und Oma bringen ,sie ist begeistert von euren Berichten und Bildern! Auch von Ihr einen Gruß an euch und noch viele schöne Tage
Agnes Freue mich natürlich wieder sehr über eure Nachricht, wunderschöne Fotos. Alles Gute für díe Salzseesafari. Viele Grüße aus dem tropischen Regenland Deutschland
Maria I would recommend renntig a car for travel outside of Dublin. Just remind yourself to stay on the left every time you start the car, and when you meet another car on the more narrow roads in rural areas. Those are the times your instinct kicks in and you want to move to the right. Once you are on the road, you get the hang of it pretty quickly.Another site to check out is the TripAdvisor Ireland forum. The members are very helpful with travel tips and things to see and do. You can read through the archives and use the search option to look for ideas. If you have any questions, post your own message.The best suggestion is to take it easy and don't pack too much into your days.
re: Denis in der MieneMichelle Naja naja .was mir noch fehlt ist der kracher Act. Bis jetzt ist es nicht gredae das gelbe vom Ei. Sonntag ist bis jetzt der einzige Tag an dem man wirklich sagen kann das es sich lohnt zum ans OASG zu kommen. Ich hoffe es git noch die eine oder andere Band die wir noch nicht im Tobel gesehen haben.
re: TitikakaseeRoberto Rashmi, 3-5 years for a brand is fairly rsanoeable. Look at Proto.in for example, we are two years old and are just scratching the surface.I always equated building a brand, as magnetizing steel. It takes its time, but once magnetized also holds power longer. Thats essentially the power of a brand. It most certainly needs its time. Three years, if you think about it is just 1000 days
re: Herzlichen Dank...Lhans Hi Boyd,I've enjoyed dicsnveriog another travel blog for baby boomers. Reporting on it from an economic slant should help many boomers who need to watch their pennies. My motto is go when you can, do what you can afford, but most importantly just go. You're proving that traveling on a budget is doable.
re: Buenas Dias!Fokak Aw, this was a really great post. In theroy I'd like to write like this also taking time and real effort to make a good article but what can I say I procrastinate alot and never seem to get something done.
re: Die Aufregung steigtKarwa Hi Lewis, Nice roundup of the cceoernnfe and I am glad to see the call to action. I did enjoy your input during the workshop about how to balance between my jogger identity and my blog's brand, since I am trying to keep the two somewhat separate. I would welcome any more advice you'd have on the subject!As to the discussion at hand and the open floor debate at TBU11, I feel I may be in the minority of bloggers. I really welcome the chance to work with PRs, but I feel they are not as receptive to working with me unless I'm representing myself solely as a travel journalist working on a piece for a major print publication. I can't even imagine a world where I'd be offered a press trip as a blogger, so I welcome PRs jumping more on board with this, and of course I'd hope that the PRs and the clients they represent would take into account not only the blogger's pull/celeb status on Twitter, but also the quality of their writing and blog.I'm not sure why so many bloggers at the cceoernnfe were so hostile to PRs. Personally, I have found a lot of use out of getting press releases myself, and I welcome being sent releases. It helps me spark ideas on slimmer days, and I frequently log into sites like travel4press.com to find news and releases.I also see no problem with communicating your problems from a press trip with the PR company beforehand, just so long as you still write an honest and open review. It would be like going to a restaurant, having terrible food, telling the waiter it was fine and then going home and bashing the place on your blog. Why not at least give the restaurant a heads up on your bad experience so they can fix it? It's what I'd do, whether I was a blogger or not.So, PRs take heart! There are some of us bloggers out here dying to work with you guys!
re: Wo ist Machu Picchu?Alcantara Camiguin Island Philippines Travel Guide, Destinations and Attractions Camiguin Province which is located in Northern Mindanao is known as the ”Island Born of Fire”. This islnad has 7 volcanoes that and the only islnad in Southeast Asia had. Camiguin is part of the provinces that comprising Region X in which it lies 10 km off the coast of Misamis Oriental and along with the Provinces of Bukidnon, Lanao del Norte and Misamis Occidental.Camiguin is a volcanic islnad that was formed because of the volcanic eruptions and land movements which have created this spectacular and beautiful islnad. Camiguin is a pear shaped in form and has a total land area of 238 square kilometers. Camiguin is a has a beautiful scenic view which has spectacular natural wonders with historical and cultural heritage.Camiguin is one of the Philippines beautiful islnad paradise and one of the popular tourist destination. Camiguin’s unexploited beauty makes the islnad so charming that tourist aroung the world wanted to experience. Camiguin has a lot to offer to the visitors. This tiny islnad has lots of tourist attraction and scenic natural resources like lush of green forest, volcanic splendor, eternal hot and cold natural springs, pristine patches of black and white beaches, majestic waterfalls, exotic marine life, blue-ridge mountains and serene surroundings.Camiguin is one of the popular diving destinations in the world. The waters of this islnad has varied ecosystem. It has beautiful and exotic marine life that this islnad is also a divers paradise. Camiguin has also world class white sand beach resorts ideal for sunbathing and snorkeling.Camiguin is best experienced than described as one gets enchanted by her mystical charm. It really has amazing natural resources and peaceful atmosphere that stir and baffle the minds of everyone.Camiguin Island Tourist Attraction Old Ancestral Homes: Camiguin Island is famous for its old ancestral homes like Ancestral House in Los Libertadores St., Mambajao now dwelled by the Francisco Family and built in 1800’sSto. Rosario Church: An old church which was built in 1882 that is found in Sagay, CamiguinThe Sunken Cemetery: The cemetery was marked by a large white cross that was swept into the sea by Old Vulcan Daan’s eruption in 1871. This site has a superb sunsets and ideal place for snorkeling and diving.Ruins of San Roque Church: Located in Gui-ob, Bonbon, Catarman. This church was ruined by the eruption of Old Vulcan Daan in 1871. It is a monument with thick century-old walls, belfry and convent which stand reminiscent of the second Spanish settlement established in 1697.Enchanting Waterfalls: Camiguin has many waterfalls and the popular is the Katibawasan Falls which provides cold water provides a refreshing summer splash to all bathers. The other waterfalls are Tuasan Falls in which is surrounding scenery is virgin and perfect for a peaceful picnic and Binangawan Falls which is covered with luscious unspoiled vegetation, and a mystical rainbow is arched by the fall’s mist as the sunlight penetrates through it.Magnificent Hot Springs: The famous hot spring is the Ardent Hot Spring which is ideal to bathe in at night surrounded by cool mountain air and has therapeutic effects. The other hot spring is Tangub Hot Spring that is not fully developed a little beneath sea level where a pool is formed by sea stones and corals.Superb Cold Springs: This islnad has also cold springs like the Macao Cold Spring spring of natural cold and blue-green waters that overflow with grandeur and the other one is the Sto. Nif1o Cold Spring which has a terrific huge pool of cold spring water measuring 25m x 40m sprouting from sandy bottom.Mt. Hibok-Hibok: is the only active volcano of the seven volcanoes of Camiguin. It has a 1,250 meters slope is a challenge even to the season climbers as the trek entails skillful maneuvers in loose rocks and boulders. A crater lake and stream serve as outlets in many places at the peak and a clear view of the entire islnad and Bohol beyond can be seen on clear days.White Island: The unspoiled white sandbar wher eyou can see the Mt. Hibok-Hibok and Old Volcan which reveals the picturesque of Camiguin. This islnad is good for sunbathing and snorkeling.Diving Spots/Sites: Camiguin is one of the best diving sites in the world. Jicdup Shoal is one of the popular diving sites in Camiguin which host a variety of exotic marine life and different fish species. Burias Shoal is good for high adverture experienced divers which you can experience schools of jacks, tuna, mackerels and barracudas and a verdant black coral covered bottom is also one of its treasures. These dive sites has excellent visibility and is best for underwater photographs, and novice divers.Taguines Lagoon: Located at Benoni, Mahinog. It is a lagoon mantled by limpid water, large cliff and gently rolling hills. The brackish water is engulfed in there by a century old crater, ideal for boat and fishing.Regards Holiday
re: Honeymoon-Cake auf dem Inca-TrailDaniela Thanks for taking the time to dicsuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic. If possible, as you gain expertise, would you mind updating your blog with more information? It is extremely helpful for me.
re: Inca-TrailLes Cerchiamo di non cadere nella trplpoaa della disinformazione altrui. Capcom ha semplicemente dichiarato che non ha piani per portare il gioco in Occidente, che in primis non significa che non arrivere0, secondariamente il capitolo per Wii e8 stato portato da Nintendo per cui questo potrebbe subire la stessa sorte.. E non sare0 certo Capcom ad annunciarlo, ma Nintendo stessa. Ergo, much ado about nothing.
re: Papagei an unserer LodgeMaya Da das Thema sehr Komplex ist, mfcsste man ne4chstes Mal dann nach Anfe4nger bzw. Fortgeschrittenen sortieren.Eine sehr gute Erge4nzung waren die Informationen von Sven Heise, was das Gegenteil von Google AdWords dlgrestelat hat.
re: Machu PicchuMasakazu I frequent Malaysia bescaue of my work. Despite a corrupt government (show me a country with a honest government) Malaysia is VERY tourist friendly and many Malaysians speak English. For the most part, Malaysia is very laid back and due to the fact that tourism makes up the majority of it's revenue, humane rights have dramatically improved over the years. So, for those who are bashing it based on opinion should be completely ignored due to the lack of experience of actually being there!
re: NazcaAdu The beauty of these bgiglong engines and CMS platforms is the lack of limitations and ease of manipulation that allows developers to implement rich content and skin' the site in such a way that with very little effort one would never notice what it is making the site tick all without limiting content and effectiveness.
re: Ruth & Denis bei den Dinosaurier-FusstapfenNiltonedgar May13Joe (HOV) Cresta Hey Kate!Tried calling Matt's phone a few times yetserday to get a final goodbye in, but guess you guys have already turned them off and deploy today have a safe journey over to New Zealand. Make a list of wines for us to try, Kim Crawford is the bomb from Marborough. Need to set up Skype so we can talk once you guys are set up over there. HOV
re: Riesenkaktus mitten im Salar de UyuniRichard Schön das ihr gesund und munter wieder da seit. Willkommen in der Heimat! Papa
re: Back in Germany- last visited

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- Düsseldorf, Germany
- Madrid, Spain
- Lima, Peru
- Pisco, Peru
- Nazca, Peru
- Ica, Peru
- Arequipa, Peru
- Chivay, Peru
- Cusco, Peru
- Ollantaytambo, Peru
- Puerto Maldonado, Peru
- Cusco, Peru
- Puno, Peru
- La Paz, Bolivia
- Uyuni, Bolivia
- Potosí, Bolivia
- Sucre, Bolivia
- La Paz, Bolivia
- Lima, Peru
Richard Schön das ihr gesund und munter wieder da seit. Willkommen in der Heimat! Papa