Late on the 26th we all met up after we had settled into our rooms. Carla was staying at the YHA whilst Ron and Andrea had a room with 2 others from the tour and I shared a room with Adam at Cannon St Backpackers. We went out to a local bar which I didn't particularly like because it was very small and very dark and there was lots of collectable items everywhere so it just looked messy. We styaed there for quite a long time though and got into a very funny game of 'I have never...' Everyone else went back to the hostel but I stayed out for a bit longer with some people I met. When I got back to the hostel I found Andrea and Adam in my room having bets on when I would get back. We sat up talking for a bit longer with Andrea coming out with some very funny comments about Adams Deodorant and all ended up going to sleep, Andrea still in Adams bed which was quite funny in morning.
On the 27th we had a rest day. In the morning Andrea, Carla and I went shopping because Carla wanted a cardigan for the evenings. We then grabbed some lunch and made our way to the botanical gardens to eat, sleep and read books for the rest of the afternoon. Andrea and I then had a mini sleepover party in my room but we got a mattress down on the floor so Andrea didn't have to share a bed with Adam again. Ron also joined us for a bit and decided to get the Adelaide special Pie Floater. A Pie Floater is basically and meat pie turned upside down in mushy pea soup with tomato sauce on top. It did not look appetising.
We woke up early on the 28th to get ready for Kangaroo Island. We took a ferry to the Island and had a very rough trip so lots of people were feeling sea sick. Once on the island we met our driver Kate, who was very happy and fun for the whole trip. We first went to see Rob's Sheep Shearing. Here we watched Toby the dog round up the sheep into the pen and then sit on the back of them to avoid getting trampled. Rob separated the sheep and grabbed one that needed shearing. We watched him shear it and afterward he separated the wool and let us touch some of it. The sheep were Merino so the wool was really soft.
After we went to a eucalyptus distillery at Emu Ridge and watched a video about what they do and them had time to shop, they had eucalyptus, emu and tea tree oil products. Here we met Luna who was an orphaned joey the owners were looking after. We had a quick lunch at the distillery before going to Seal Bay. Here we got to walk down onto the beach right between the Sea Lions although we had to be careful not to go to close or they would attack. We were really lucky because the sea was high so it had pushed the Sea Lions up high on the beach. At one point we got stuck for about 5 minutes because a Sea Lion came around behind us trying to get into the Dunes so we had to wait for it to move.
We then went to a place called Little Sahara which is basically a massive sand dune no where near the sea. Here we had a go at Sandboarding. It was really good fun but a lot of effort to get back up the dune with your board for another go. On my last attempt I managed to stand up on the board all the way down to the bottom. We then went to the Hanson Bay Koala Sanctuary to see some Koalas before going to our nights accomodation near Vivonne Bay. The accomodation was very modern and the owners were very friendly. They also had a joey called Ruby that they were looking after and we could play with. That evening some of us got back on the bus to go see some Fairy Penguins. We had to look for them with red light so we didn't blind them. We saw a few but it was really hard to take any photos because they ran away and hid so quickly.
The next day we went to Flinders Chase National Park to see the Remarkable Rocks. These were huge granite outcrops which we could climb on. We did this for about an hour, taking some very funny photos, and then went to see the lighthouse, and light house storage. After we saw the New Zealand Fur Seals at Admirals Arch which were very fun to watch particularly when a big wave came through the arch and they all got up to move further in. After Lunch we went to Stokes Bay where there was a rock tunnel that led to a secret beach. Not many people made it to the beach however because the waves came partly through the tunnel so the run had to be timed right. The beach was really pretty and I was the only one who went for a swim. We then went back to Penneshaw to grab dinner and have a quick look around before getting back on the ferry and going back to the hostel.
Today Andrea, Carla and I went for a walk down to the river. Andrea and I went on a paddle boat and saw a lot of black swans and got a bit wet passing by the fountain. We then went to the botanical gardens for the afternoon again and went back to the hostel. Tomorrow I am heading up to Alice Springs on a 6 day tour.
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