Hey Holly, can hardly believe you left way back in april! It's summer here, is it extra hot there?? getting a good tan? You've been to some great places, you'll definately be able to stay there 6 months! enjoy!
Ann & Roger
Hi, only 68 days left,the time seems to have gone so quickly, so pack as much in as you can & enjoy. Weather here 35 degrees, Mark & family arrive here on Tuesday for 16 days, so pleased we have aircon as they will find it very hot. margaret also goes on holiday with Andrew & charlotte on Wednesday, I think to Majorca. We are really enjoying your blogs & all the photos. Ann
Ann & Roger
Hi Holly, great to get your post card & to know you are having so many different experiences. Loved the sound of the burgers etc. did they taste any different? I am a firm believer in tasting all local food when travelling. Hope your weather is better than ours we have had a lot of rain for this time of year & it is still quite cool.Mark is doing a cycle trip on Sunday from London to Brighton for the Heart Foundation, think he will find it hard as he is used to his motor bike! With all your walking & trecks you must be getting plenty of exercise & be very fit. Keep having a great time while you have the chance. Take care Ann
Not sure about camel sausages. The Otoway bridge looks like the bridge in I'm a celebratity Get Me Out of Here. Didn't the lizard mind been captured as a pet? How do you like the taste of beer - your winnings- have you got used to it yet. Photo's are great. Jx
Hello Holly
I enjoyed your last blog and can't wait to hear about Alice Springs and Ayres Rock. I have just got back from 2 weeks in Crete which was lovely.
Keep the photos coming
Hi Holly. Alice sends her love and best wishes and says she would much rather be travelling with you rather than doing her AS's. Sounds as though you are having a great time - can't wait to hear more. Jxx
Been hot here last couple of days. Love the Adelaide blog. J x
Sunny day at last. Had terrible thunder storms on Saturday night. Judy says Hi and she thinks that you will like Alice Springs. Her brother likes it. Ann Marie says hi, she has been reading the blog. Jessie might come to England this summer. Hoping bus journeys are not too long and weather is been good to you. Love Jx
Hi Holly, Sounds as though you are having a great time and meeting lots of people. We miss you on Thursday evenings. We went diving in Dosthill yesterday, near Kingsbury Water Park, and Alan had his first open water dive. Water temp about 10 degrees!! Not warm.
Keep enjoying. Di
Peter Hopton
glad to hear from you, was worried that a dingo and run off with you!!!
how did your dip in the sea go?
aren't wombats really cute!?
where are the photos of barry!!!!?
Ann & Roger
I see you have been kept up to date with what has been happening. Margaret has been stuck in Cyprus, should have been home on Monday so am not sure when she will get a flight back, but Charlotte is with her & her nephew is there so she should be ok. Great to get your new blog & photos, keep them coming. What is the shopping like?