Had a great few weeks in Darwin. Spent a lot of time after Kakadu just resting and chilling out as the last 21 days on Adventure tours had been very tiring. There is a very good backpacker bar called The Vic where they do free meals, usually chips or rice with curry or chicken. They also play a lot of backpacker games, which always start of tame and get worse during the evening, and each night has a theme. I spent most of my nights there as pretty much every backpacker in town would turn up for the free meal so it was a good way to meet people.
On a Thursday evening and a Sunday there was a night market on Mindl beach, which was very good. I went to this 3 times and bought a few presents. They had food from around the world and they also had entertainers like a drum, bass and didgeridoo band and a circus performer.
During the day there was a wave pool and a lagoon. Unfortunately Darwin has stingers all year round so we couldn't go in the sea but the wave pool was a lot of fun.
One day a guy from the hostel took me and another girl to Litchfield national park. We went in rockpools and waterfalls for most of the day. In Buley rockpool there was one pool that was deep enough to jump into and we were all swimming around whena Goanna (big lizard) popped up. Everyone watched it and then it jumped in the water and swam across and everyone screamed and jumped out. On the way home we also saw a Taipan go across the road in front of the car. It is the most poisonous snake in the world and 4 times more poisonous than anything found on the East Coast.
I also went to Crocosaurus Cove whilst in Darwin and did the Cage of Death. I got lowered down in a perspex cage which had gaps between the sides. I went into 3 different enclosures with 4 different crocs. Houdini and Jess were in the first one and Houdini liked bubbles so I blew some through the gaps in the cage but he just looked at me. I had about 5 minutes in each enclosure, none of the crocs moved but they kept and eye on me and I was less than a meter away from them. One of the crocs is the 3rd biggest croc in captivity at 5.6m long. One interesting fact was the a humans jaw strength is a bag of potatoes being dropped (20kg) but a crocodiles jaw strength is the weight of a diesel truck and increases by a tonne after they reach 5.5m long.
I met some nice people in my room whilst in Darwin and spent my last few days with them. They are on the same flight as me so tonight we are going to the night market and then sleeping at the airport so we can catch our 5am flight to Cairns.
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