Hogarth Adventures!
DESTINATION 20 - Across the waters to URUGUAY! Day 1 - The colonial streets of COLONIA! Uruguay hadn't been on the original plan but with it being so close to Buenos Aires and a natural way north to get to Iguazu Falls we thought we would check it out! After a 1hr30 minute catamaran ride across Rio Uruguay, which bizarrely we thought took 3 hours so were abit surprised when they were shoving us off the boat, we arrived in the small town of Colonia. The relaxed atmosphere of this place hit you instantly as you got off the boat and it was definitely a very chilled country, well apart from the man driving ran the town on his moped with speakers louder than his bike playing Stevie Wonder's 'I just called to say I love you' Tune!! Random or what! We stayed in a really nice family's posada which was by the coast and basically spent the next 2 days taking in the relaxed atmosphere, walking around the old colonial buildings and cobbled streets and sitting on the old pier eating cheap strawberrys (about 20p here for a whole pun net!) & sleeping in the sun. Loads of old cars from the 60's were randomly hanging around and the number of Fiat 500's and old bangers that are held together with chicken wire yet still manage to run was just hilarious! The only small negative was the price of the place, it was a lot more expensive than BA with a sandwich costing 6 quid as opposed to the 1-2 pound we had paid, so after finding the cheapest 'Menu De Dias' which when the waitress said 'spaghetti and cheese' she really did mean it and there we were with plain spaghetti and grated cheese in front of us but we laughed lots! Sitting on the cobbled streets in the sun with a glass of cheap vino was just perfect. The rest of the days though we invested in a microwave dish and ate flavoured microwave rice for the rest of the time, yum!! The beaches lining the coast, despite the brown water were pleasant too and people were friendly so we were glad we had taken the time to visit another country just to add to the many already!
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