We decided as a group to stay one more day at the lake, we had a great chilled out day on the beach. That night and the next morning a freak tropical storm hit, high winds and torrential rain was not fun in the tent and not great conditions for taking this tent down before day light! We were running around in wet sand getting soaked through, I was close to crying at the time but now we can laugh about it!
We had a long day driving on very bumpy roads and we crossed the border about mid day. It was basically a small outbuilding in the middle of nowhere with people burning tyres, it was strange and also weirdly freezing cold!
We arrived at our campsite, Mama Rulas which has wild zebra and giraffes right next to it. After getting close to the zebra we stuck the tents up and had some tea. There were some lovely big spiders up in the rafters we all had to share our showers with!
Drove through the heart of Lusaka which was cool, and very different to anywhere we'd been in Africa so far, a lot more built up and westernised. We stopped off at a shopping mall and we all thought it could have been placed in the UK it even had a Poundsaver and Woolworths!
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