Had breakfast at our usual place, its good, cheap and the lads that work there are really nice. The owner is building a hotel next to it,we have been watching the development each morning from digging a deep hole, putting in steel supports, mixing concrete and filling in with huge stones. This is done by a small band of extremely hard working men and women, who wear flip flops while swing pick axes and walking over very rough ground. They carry very heavy loads of sand, ballast and stones in baskets on there backs by using a band going around there head. All for about a £1 a day.
There is building going on all over pokhara,if there is a space it is being built on or existing buildings are having extra floors added. All for the influx of visiting rich Chinese.
After breakfast decided to give in and purchase new trainers as l do not think my old shoes will last much longer and when we move on there will not be any places to buy decent footwear. There are plenty of shops selling fakes but they want quite a lot for them and l do not think they will stand up to the terrain, even walking on the pavement there are bricks, stones and all manner of things underfoot.
Today we decided to visit the Annapurna natural history museum, it is quite a walk, about an hour and a half. On arriving we discovered it was not open and was locked up and looked like it had not been open for ages. Next to it was a huge library, that also was closed with dust sheets over everything. When trying to ask about it nobody seemed to know anything. A bit like nobody knows anything about what is behind the big green gates here, on a map and also in a book l have it says it a royal palace, but when you ask, they know nothing.
After walking all this way we decided to go and find where the gold and silver smiths work and see if someone could make us bangles to match our rings. They either could not speak English or the answer was no. At last we found someone who said they would make them and they would be ready on Sunday. He asked us to leave a deposit, to my surprise Ray gave him almost all the total cost. Hope they will be ok as things here get lost in translation.
On the long walk back we went past the shops that sell the brightly coloured noodles.l have not seen them anywhere else.
Collected my patches today that a young guy has made for me as l wanted smaller ones than they usually do. Very pleased with them.
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