The Dashing Diner
Although I am in Nha Trang I am a bit backlogged with my journal- so here we go ....
One thig I have learned pretty quickly is never assume you are understood..yes will be the anwer to everything but in reality when you are stacked high on the back of his motorbike and you reallise that you have passed the same dried squid stall 7 times you realise that you must be the new navigator.Not my strong gift at the best of times- however I am becoming an excellent homing device-I am safe and still incredibly content. I feel so happy and free. I feel totally safe and as long as you carry your"alert/savvy"accessory whilst oohing and aghing the wonderful sites I believe you are safe as houses.The punishment for crime here is a good deterrent!
Bakeries by the bunch and truly the best fruit and juices- food of every Nationality -generally good and interesting. The entire nation seems to eat on the streets- a great atmosphere and sight. Just love the buzz- although I have tried a lot of stall food -I am tending to eat in recommended places. Mainly due to fear of tum tum -- It is quite amusing to overhear general conversations between travellers- amazing how often you hear detailed accounts of ablutions/contents and texture of stools (Not the sitting kind!)like we relly need to hear? I think it makes them feel safe that others are suffering from the same dilemma.
Onto culture!If the National Museum in Phnom Phen is anything to go by - with truckloads of beautiful artifacts and genuine figurines - my trip to Siem Reip should be fab.
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