The Dashing Diner
In Phnom Penh- quite a cool ciity - but quite a different feel to Vietnam. Am in Le Royale- drafting my journal ,drinking a Mohito and chomping home made chips n salsa- Many of the journalists stayed here during the Killing Fields filming. But not to gt too lulled into a false sense of comfort zone-
Am off to see a couple of movies about the Mines in Cambodia & History of Pol Pot regime._ 2 hours later- I sit speechless- time for another Mohito. BLimey I had no idea that even today 700 people a year are victims of these defensive b--stds. They certainly did what was intended-slowing enemy lines,maiming-not killing people which then required 3 people to carry the wounded-leaving less
men on the battle field.And to know that they were actually made from enexploded bombs and material left by the Americans-also supplied by the Russians and Chinese.
Will be extra careful when slipping off to shake my lilly-
-Africa its lions
-Cambodia- land mines
-Who says I have an easy constitution?
Sites to see: SILVER PAGODA- spectacular which was preserved byK Rouge ,hence demostrating to the tourist world its concern for the Cambodian cultural riches.
In it there are 5,000 silver floor tiles weighing 1 kilo each - -no photographs allowed for security reasons- they haveevery reason to,as so much has been stolen in former years.
KILLING FIELDS: This was the genocidal centre .It is a unique place which reflects the most barbaric and cruel crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge 1975-1979. Here about 20,000 people including Canadians,Aussies,Vietnamese & Cambodians & British were murdered. 129 mass graves bear testimony to the crime. In order to remember the spirits of the victims at the site aswell as over 3,000,000 victims killed during Pol Pot regime a memorial has been built. To this day you still see remains of bones and clothing when the heavy rains fall and reveal. I cannot believe this happened 30 years ago.
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