The Dashing Diner
CAMBODIA-Siem Riep- means "Siamese defeated" The Thais defeated the Cambodians between 1794 and 1902- infact controllling Siem Reip -the centre of Angkhor Wat including all the other wonderful temples.In 19th Century that the French discovered Angkhor and returned it to its rightful owners-the Cambodians.Now hopefully they can treasure their jewel - and nuture the biggest positive thing to come to Cambodia- in last decade-tourism industry.
ANGKHOR WAT- is the largest and quiet magnificent.It hads undergone major reconstruction and is a site to behold- the Angkhors were geniuses- different styles in by different rulers - but all breathtaking in their own right.The Japanese are big investors here in reconstruction - The heat certainly leaves its calling card. Hey Tai - I know what ya mean-hot or what? Anyway whats a big of heat when you are in a wonder of the world? Have to keep pinching myself. The shear size and magnificence of Angkhor remind me of the Mayan empire- size and beauty and originality.hey maybe giants really did exist-teh scaffolding business must have been a goody to be in!
My fave temple was the "Citadel of women" small by comparison-The temple of Banteat Srei- delicate wall carvings all over the insides and entrances - absolutely exquisite.
Begging is common and exhausting- but have to remember that there is no social /pensions etc here so the old and less able simply do not have choice.
Many of the children -of which there are herds of them all waiting to pounce with goodies you do not want -are descendents of the original inhabitants of Angkhor- so if anyone should get few cents from tourists they should hey?
Staying in a fab hotel called Secrets of Elephants- love the name.It is a khmer style house with beautiful silk soft furnishings - bits and bobs- wooden floors and ten mosquitos in the bathroom!
Spoke to Louis - he had a bout of Malaria - but nipped it in bud with good drugs and doctor.He sounds much happier and I am glad that it was the week his folks were with them so at least they could stay in nice hotel and recover. He is on his way again with the boys and seem to be having a blast-
Glad England won - blimey I needed another massage after that.!
Journey by tuk tuk - through country side is the way to go. The houses are all on stilts-sleeping upstairs and chores/eating downstairs-great design. Even the roosters appear to walk on stilts. They are the skinniest,tallest roosters I have ever seen,served as RUSTER on menuu they are tasty but a bit knobbly and tough!
Am going to try GHEKO - apparantly it is like CLOKADILE!Had one of the best massage -foot & body-Dr feet! -the prettiest gal with beautiful hands -strong as a bricklayer but gentle as a dragonfly- needed that after all that temple bashing.
Booked into a Spa to cool off- and generally do nothing- well except drink a cocktail and eat some steamed fish in a banana leaf!Remenber! the borgeois style is OK ya know?Anything borgeois -according to the Khmer Rouge-spectacles ,bright coloured clothes ,watches, endearing terms such as Mummy/Daddy ,books,pens were all forbidden during 1975-79. I would have lasted a nanno second.
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