So nine of us left the hostel on Wednesday afternoon. It was about 4.30 and polite conversation was being made. The tram stop isn't far away, so idle chit chat carried us through to the first of our trams destined for the television studios.
With tickets purchased we took our seats all ready for our tv debut. This is where it starts getting interesting... Some old bloke was sat in the corner, looking out the window. A few stops later, another guy (lets call him 'young bloke') takes a seat next to him. Perhaps his sitting down was a little over-zelous for old bloke - as he sprang to his feet; demanding to 'take this outside'. Erm... what!?
Anyway, what ensued was kinda entertaining. They each sat there hurling insults at each other. I made the (quite wise) decision to move my behind to a seat further away - which was wise as the first punch was thrown seconds later. The man-boys scrapped away for a moment or two, before stopping as they were pinning some innocent lady to the wall. Civilized behaviour was reintroduced. For about 4 seconds. Whilst they stepped into the next row of seats to continue the brawl. Cue screams of 'someone call the police' and 'hit him harder'. Gotta love the australian passion...
Eventually some of the brits interviened and seperated them (not me you understand, some big guys. I was cowering behind some plate glass...) but they weren't done. Oh no. And now some heckling women had joined in too. Now, I don't want to pass judgement, but its safe to say these ladies didn't work in a bank. And I think it no coincidence that we were on a street known locally as the 'pick up point'. Classy.
Don't worry mum, I'm nowhere near there now...
Anyway, we were entertained for another few minutes whilst these ladies then started shouting at each other - defending both the blokes. Seriously, with all this excitement it's a wonder people ever get off these trams. Still, disembark we did onto another (it must be said) 'boring' tram for the remainder of our journey to Richmond on the other side of the city.
Channel 9 studios are set in a residential area, so much so, that if we weren't being taken by someone who knew the route, we'd have turned round. We were there to see 5 episodes of 'Millionaire Hotseat' being filmed. Its a spin off of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire - (1/2 hr show, contestants take it in turns to answer questions - same but different really) except - NO 'ask the audience' (sniff) not gonna lie. I was upset. This was my reason for attending...
I was surprised as to how small the studio was, but took my seat next to some 'reserved' signs. Turns out these were for the family members. You know when Bob's wife is shown sitting in the audience? Well - I'm in the background :)
After watching 4 shows being filmed, the novelty had started to wear off. And my hands really started to sting from all the clapping. Aside from that, none of the stupid b'uggers had managed to win more than $1,000. A little disappointing. So on the last round of the last show - and we were up to $50,000 the anticipation was growing.
'Cathy' is a retired 'garden enthusiast' who enjoys puzzles. Or something similar. Took her turn in the seat. It was the end of the show now, and all was resting on her. Cathy as it turns out, is pretty stupid.
Now I'm sorry. I have no clue when it comes to nature questions (or sport, music, history, general knowledge etc) but even I knew the answer to this one.
"What is a jackdaw?"
Is it: a) Amphibian b) Bird c) Fish or d) Actually, I forget what d was. It's fairly irrelavant tho. I knew the answer. Cathy's husband (sitting next to me) knew the answer (and started bouncing up and down). The whole bleeding audience knew the answer. Interestingly, Cathy knew the answer. She said - 'It's a bird. I know it's a bird. But I think it might be a fish"
The presenter wasn't quite as subtle as Chris Tarrent would have been - he was basically saying "so you know its a bird, but you are going for a fish? Are you sure?"
It should be pointed out, that in the new version the contestants only have 45 seconds to answer the final questions. So it would appear that under pressure, Cathy does not cope well. She went with c) Fish. She also went home with only $1,000. And the producers had another slightly disappointing episode to launch with.
We all sat in a slightly stunned silence for a second or two - before remembering where we were; giving out a 'awwwww' then clapping her off stage. Anyway, no doubt it will be on YouTube hours after it airs (Monday) so I'll link it in then.
Wow - if you're still reading, well done... bit of a monster this one! Had to share it tho. So funny... xx
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