Well Hello From the Jungle Of Taman Negara In the Central Plains of malaysia Its about 37 Degrees here and im sure the showers have Rats! Its a 3 day 2 night Fun Packed Adventure, with wild animals on the loose like Monkeys And wild Boars just walking around by the hostel.
Well after departing Kuala Lumpor At 7.00 am Yesterday, and taking a small mini bus for around 4 and a half hours before arriveing at the Jetty to take the Boat into the wild, Now when you think Boat you think big boat nearly like a ferry......Hmmm No Not in Malaysia what they mean is the type of Small Wooden Leaking boats you see on telly going down the amazon so we all got on luggage and all And i must say you appreciate cushions after a 3 hour ride in one of these things but it all adds to the fun!
So Day One in The Jungle; Arrive at accomodation have dinner on a "Floating Restauant" A small shack in the River Which moves and you get to it by crossing the plank, After dinner we meet with the Guide for a short yea right But Informative slideshow which was good before starting the Night Jungle Walk Deep into the Forest Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My! No Actually Just Insects the odd spider and stick Insect but it was fun all by torch light and the Fire Flies were great to see!! After this its bed Ready for the Next Day!
Day 2 in the Jungle; well its up early big day now ahead Breakfast served at half past 7 yes that is AM! So after breakfast our guide comes to collect us in our group and we head to the Canopy Walkway Which looks all good fun when you see it on the pictures in the Brochure but in reality Its another Story. Suspended 45 m above the ground over the tree tops is a rope walkway very very very Narrow One foot in front of the other job With the longest walkway stretching 450 m long not very good if your scared of heights not good at all but it has to be done. So Off goes Lisa up onto the steps to climb up swaying and shaking all over the place at this point Heidi does definately not want to do this but want turns out to be more like You Have too! After the shakey start we both got up and completed the walk! So after this we have about a 5 min break to catch our breathe and away we go to Conquer Bukit Teresek a mountain Peak with Stunning views 1.5km To get there 374m Above sea Level So when you think mountain you think hhmmm must be a trail or steps up to the point i mean people doing this everyday...well NO is the word No trail Just grab a rope and pull yourself up a more or less vertical hill mud slipping from under your feet and after walking up hill all the way dripping in sweat we never knew you could produce that much in one day and after walking for around 45 mins we finally made it after tripping over logs and getting in touch with nature and drinking lots and lots of water we get there or so we think this is only Viewing Platform 1....... So if this is one there must be 2 yes there was another 400m which as then the top we managed to drag ourselves the extra 400m and now this is still only about 10.30 am and we need to rest ( And shower) So after a short rest we have to head back another 2km Downhill back to the resort And its the same way we came. We make it back in one piece anyway and then its shower time and we only have cold water Thank god at this point and then Lunch Rice and Chicken the same as it is everyday day. Then afternoon Activities Rapid shooting in the small wooden boat well now that was fun got absolutely soaked, then we had a stop at the Orang Asli Village where tribes actually live in the jungle! they showed us how to make a fire and how to use a blow pipe its was Brill, This evening we are heading on a River Night Boat Safari Which was good only saw Samba deer tho, Slow lorris bit like a sloth and silver cats but it was fun and then Finally BED!!
Day 3 We leave the Jungle and take our transfer to the Cameron Highlands Cant wait. Maybe a proper bed at last and No Lizards like the big one Lisa found above her bed when she arose the next morning!!
Thank you all for your messages Keep em Comin, Feels more like 2 Months we have been away than 2 Weeks Miss ya all
Love Heidi n Lisa xx
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