Hi everyone,
Just a quick blog to let you know we managed to get out of the jungle unscathed - apart from a seriously impressive collection of sandfly bites!!! We´re in Banyos now, camping just outside the town in a beautiful area surrounded by river and waterfalls. We´ve spent the last three nights in the jungle and did a lot of walking and rafting. We´ll be in Banyos for another two nights, and then onto a small beach town where we have a four day break. Banyos has thermal hotsprings so we´re planning on having a soak tonight, then going canyoning tomorrow. Some of our group went today and have said it´s amazing! Heath also did a bridge swing yesterday - I chickened out. Someone else took photos for us, i´ll post them soon so you can see why I don´t feel bad about being a wuss! Basically Heath jumped, or rather (quite gracefully) dived, backwards off a bridge wearing a harness attached to a rope, and then got to swing from the rope. The bridge was probably about 400-500 feet high. I was quite relieved when his feet were back on solid ground!
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