Well I'm now in Queensland! I was sad to leave Byron Bay but excited about moving onto a new place. When we arrived though I wasn't sure whether I would like it or not as it was quite big with a lot of tall buildings and a lot of traffic. They say it's quite similar to Miami, because of the beach and the skyscrapers along the front.
I stayed at a hostel called Surf n Sun with Jo and Paul. It was ok but not as nice as some that I have stayed in. I was in a dorm room with mostly boys and it wasn't very clean in the bathroom and they always left the seat up! They seemed nice enough though.
We spent the first day on the beach and it was so relaxing. It was really hot and ended up getting really windy and as the sand was so fine we ended up getting covered in it. In the end we couldn't put up with it getting absolutely everywhere for any longer, so we decided to leave. We had had a good few hours there though, so it was ok.
Our second night at the hostel there was a bar crawl that we went on. It was quite good, as you join in with about eight different hostels, you get some free drinks and free pizza too. I felt like I was eighteen again on a clubbing holiday though, because when you leave the hostel to get on the bus they give you a tie to wear, a glow stick, a green sticker if you are single and a packet of condoms! It was so funny seeing the young boys get excited over this! The night was good and we went into a few good clubs, but I don't think the green stickers are a very good idea, because when the guys got drunk it was as if they saw them as a green light to just pounce on you. I soon took mine off!
The next day Jo, Paul and I went to the waterpark called Wet n Wild. The weather was a bit overcast and quite cold when you are walking around in your bikini wet. We had such a great day though and there were so many different rides to go on. There was one called the Kamikaze and at first I said I didn't want to go on it, as it looked too scary. I stood and watched them go on it first and thought that it didn't look too bad, so I decided to go on it with Jo. The ride is designed like a half pipe and you both sit on a big rubber arm chair. As we were walking up the stairs I was starting to get very scared, as the drop looked almost vertical. There was a man on the speaker also saying that you get to experience zero gravity! When we got to the top I was freaking out and almost bottled it and asked if the people behind us could go first. I have never felt so nervous in my whole life, and Jo said kindly that if I wanted to go back down we could. There was no way that I wanted to walk past everyone in the queue though, so I thought just do it. So, I shakily sat in the chair and we were pushed down! The feeling I got when I went down I can't even begin to describe it, but the amount of adrenalin that was pumping through me when we stopped was incredible. I was so proud that I did it.
We were all so tired after a late night from the bar crawl and a whole day walking around and going on scary rides, that we had a night in at their apartment with pasta and a very early night. That night I learnt a very important lesson! This was never to sleep on the bottom bunk when a bloke has had a lot to drink. I woke up the next morning and everyone was in a foul mood and I wasn't sure why. When I asked one of the girls she said I don't want to talk about it, and looked so upset. I asked the guy that was above me and he told me that the guy that was above the upset German girl had had too much to drink and had wet himself so much that it had gone through his mattress and had run all down onto her bed, going over her sleeping bag, her Ipod and over her! I couldn't believe it and am now worried if I get the bottom bunk. It didn't take long for the whole hostel to find out about the boy that wet himself and weed on some poor girl!
The next day we just looked around some shops, as we were leaving in the afternoon for Brisbane. We were told that there isn't much to see and do in Brisbane, that it's quite expensive and like a city, so I decided to just stay overnight and then go to Noosa the next day.
I ended up quite liking Surfers Paradise, the nightlife is really good and the beach is beautiful. I still prefer the small towns though. I can't believe that I've done my first month already, it's gone so quickly! Am not home sick yet, but am missing you Mum and Dad. Hope everyone is well.
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