Well today I left Nelson on the bus and headed for Westport. We wasn't on the road for that long, but our poor driver bless her has not got great taste in music! There's only so much cheesy music I can take! We had a few lovely stops on the way though, where we saw the cutey little ducks and the scenery was amazing!
When we arrived at Westport it was like walking through a ghost town, where had all the people gone?! It was a really cute hostel though and it felt like I was at home, very cosy. Jackie, Sara and I had a room all to ourselves and in the afternoon we decided to have a walk around and walk to the beach. However, the further we got from the hostel the more we started to question whether it was safe or not! The surrounding area was like something out of Wolf Creek, very creepy, no people in sight and long, empty roads! We really wanted to see the beach though, so we huddled together and carried on walking. We arrived safely and the beach was really nice, but we didn't stay long though, as it got quite cold and spooky. When we got back to the hostel we decided to treat ourselves and make enchillades! The deal was that we cooked and then Dan had to wash up! I think that's a fair deal!! They were so yummy and Dan supplied a bottle of wine, what a great meal.
I was very excited about going to sleep because I had the best bed in the room! For the first time in two months I had a bed without another one on top of it. It was great to look up and see the ceiling and not another bed! Ha ha, the small things that please backpackers!
We had an early night, because the next night was the big fancy dress Poo party at Lake Mahinapua and we knew that there was going to be a lot of drink involved!
Hope everyone is well xx
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