I can't believe I haven't updated anything since the 11th! Time is just flying by! Well for the past few days I have been having the best time in Sydney. On Saturday we took the ferry to Manly Beach, as it was a really hot day. It was finally time to get my seriously white legs out and try and get a tan. Going across on the ferry was great and we had brilliant views of the Opera House and Sydney Bridge, when we went past. It took about 15 minutes to get to Manly and we went straight to the beach as soon as we arrived. It was everything I could have hoped for at a beach in Sydney. There were people playing volleyball, surfing and just chilling out. As we layed there sunbathing I couldn't believe how relaxed I felt and thought to myself that I could really see myself living in Oz! lol. I was loving just laying there but Paul and Stewart started to get restless, so we decided to go and have a browse in the shops and get some lunch. The shops were great but a bit out of my backpacker budget, so I just done a bit of window shopping. I have always wanted to eat in a Sushi bar, so the boys took me in one and showed me the ropes. It was the best Sushi I have ever had and will definitely go back there again.
Saturday night was another night at the Gaff and I love it in there so much. Most people are backpackers, so the atmosphere is brilliant. After probably a few too many red wines, as nowhere really does Rose wine, I decided it was time for my bed. On Sunday morning I was awoken to a grey sky and rain! I couldn't believe it after how nice the weather was the day before. It didn't really matter though, as Sunday was a very relaxing day and needed to recover from the wine. My day consisted of going on the internet and doing laundry! Riveting stuff.
Monday, I decided to move on to a different hostel and I am now staying at Wake Up, which is brilliant and was put into a ten bed mixed dorm, which was quite interesting and I was a bit nervous at first. When I arrived the room was empty, but shortly after people started to come in and they were all so friendly. Unfortunately, they didn't have that room free for the next few nights, so I had to check out of that room and am now in an eight bed dorm and the people are friendly too, but I have never been in a room that is so untidy! I have to step over everything just to get to the door. It smells like boys too! lol
Tuesday, I was meant to be booked onto go to the Blue Mountains but they had put me down for the wrong day, I was quite lucky though because the day I was meant to go was extemely cloudy and the people that went said that they couldn't see anything at all.
On Wednesday, I took a bus to Coogee beach and walked all the way along the coastline to Bondi Beach. It took me just over two hours to get there, but I was very proud, as I done it all by myself. On the way to Bondi I saw several lovely beaches and had time to stop and sit down along the way and take in the views. When I got to Bondi I felt a bit out of place, as everyone was running in their fancy sport clothes and I must have looked knackered. Bondi Beach is great though and the surfers looked really cool. Getting home was a bit different, as I couldn't find the bus I needed and I was cold and tired, so just got on one to take me to where I thought I needed to go. I fell asleep on the bus and ended up at the very last stop, which was about a 45 minute walk from my hostel. I then had to get on another bus and finally made it back about and hour and half later! I was quite tired so had an early night with my book.
Today was a great day, as I went to the Blue Mountains. I was picked up by the Oz Experience bus at 07:20 and had a nice driver called Gummy. Our first stop was in a little secluded area where people can go camping and there were quite a lot of Kangaroos. I wasn't so snap happy this time though. They were so cute and I got up really close to some of them and they didn't even mind. We stayed there for about 15 minutes and then drove on to get some breakfast. This is where I met two girls that were travelling on their own, from Japan and Germany, but again are going home soon. We got on quite well and spent the rest of the day together.
Our next stop was where we done our first walk into the Blue Mountains. At first it was quite easy, but the further we got into the mountain it got quite slippery and muddy, and you were sometimes really close to the edge (that's when I realised why I had to sign the Death form this morning, lol.) It was ok though, as I had my sturdy walking shoes on and they kept me safe. The walk lasted for about 1 hour and 45 minutes and I loved it.
During the walk there were several places that we could stop and look at the views and waterfalls, which were totally amazing and completely took my breath away. We then went to our next stop to have some lunch and look at the Three Sisters, that are odd rock formations. Again the veiw was fantastic and was lovely to stay there and have something to eat, as I was starving.
We then carried on to go on our next walk in the Blue Mountains. On this one it was a bit different, as we had to walk down 800 steps, and these are not normal steps, they were very steep, very uneven and again wet and muddy the whole way. This walk lasted about an hour and when we got to the bottom it was time to take a ride on the steepest train in the world to get back to the top! I thought the guide was just pulling my leg, but it is actually a fact. It only lasts for about 90 seconds, but it was great and very, very steep! The whole day was brilliant and I couldn't have asked for better weather, it was beautiful.
On Monday night I went to a bar called Scruffy Murphys with the girls I met in Melbourne at my hostel and had a brilliant night. Tonight it is part 2 at Scruffy Murphys, so have to go and get ready now. Will update soon with pictures, as I have quite a few to put on and it takes forever.
Hope everyone is well and thank you all for my messages they are lovely.
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