On our way to Sydney today we went through Canberra. We went to the Parliament House and then had some lunch. We stopped for about half an hour and then carried on towards Sydney. We arrived into Sydney at about half four and checked into our hostel straight away. We put our bags in and then decided to go for a walk to Sydney harbour, before going out for dinner and drinks at a backpacker bar with our driver, to celebrate the end of the bus tour. The harbour was lovely and we got there just in time to see the sunset. We carried along walking and then arrived to Sydney bridge and the famous Opera house! That was when it hit me that I was actually in Sydney and I couldn't believe how lucky I was. It was amazing seeing the bridge and Opera house lit up at night. I stayed there for a bit and then we had to make a move to get ready to go out.
The place we went to was called The Gaff and the atmosphere in there is brilliant. We had our dinner and then had a few drinks. It was a really good night and I'm sure we will be back there soon enough. Have decided to stay in Sydney for two weeks, as I love it so much and I will be just going around and seeing all the sights. On Tuesday I am booked to go and see the Blue Mountains, so looking forward to that. Will update again in a few days.
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