Unless i have my days confused (which is quite likely) this makes it my 2nd blog in one week, wow, i'm excelling at this thing now.
Since the last entry i have decided to rule out ever becoming a mountain explorer. The other day i spent 9hours on a vertical ascent of Franz Josef glacier, i quite liked wearing crampons and the views the hike afforded, i quite disliked being in the #1 group as this reqiured me to walk at a super-human pace (even for me), jump crevasses, go into ice caves and do other glacier-related and death-inducing things that i shall not bore you all with - quote from our guide "follow my footsteps EXACTLY or you WILL die". Lets just say i ended the walk by falling (literally) into a pub and was so exhausted that i couldn't speak for almost and hour (you lucky things) and couldn't walk until about now.
I'm currently sat at the worlds slowest computer (possibly even slower than my laptop too) in Queenstown. Queenstown is like the best part of a city but without any of the surrounding dodgy and crappy parts, and its known as a party town, an aspect that i'm embracing with lashings of grapes and hops. I've been here for a couple of nights and it's so good being able to have a lie-in and get further down my bag than the two t-shirts that i've been wearing in rotation for the last 3 weeks. Yestarday saw me sunbathing on the beach by the lake before a prompt search for after-sun (some things never change), although NZ seem to shun Nivea and favour products from 'The Cancer Society' which does a great job at making you want to sit in a dark corner rather than play outside. Armed with my sun-repellant a load of us trundled off to a frisbee-golf course, i thought it was a bit of a wind-up but turns out its an actual sport, even met one guy on the green who had a bag packed with over 20 frisbees for the differeing holes, he clearly has too much spare time. 2 hours, 2 injuries, 3 people-hittings, much laughing and a tantrum later the course was complete, thank god. So then it was beer time.....
Was woken in the night to the sound of tears, sobbing actually. I figured there must have been catastrophe in the life of my Swedish roommate: maybe ikea had gone into liquidation or meatballs had been outlawed. No, no the hysterial farce was simply her having lost her phone after 4 glasses of wine (lightweight!). She kept me awake for hours with her whining.
So today has been nice and quiet, all my friends (imaginary and real) have deserted me so i went out shopping, caught a glance of myself in a mirror and noticed that my face is peeling, not the whole thing, just my mouth, making it look like i have a rather fetching white moustache. I quite like the look. ooooh and i did some washing too, when getting it out i found $20 which made me even happier, though it does beg the question how did i lose money amongst my underwear..
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