We have now arrived!!
Our first day we got set up in our hostel and checked what was around (Dave found there was a Nandos and Dominoes so he was ok!) the following day we checked ourselves onto a free tour which turned out to be fab, well once we'd actually got ourselves on there - our hostel told us the wrong time so we missed the bus but we headed up the road to the first stop and found them there. They were at the Auckland Sky Tower which is the tallest building in Auckland - NZ largest city and they have bungee jumps off there - apparently one of the guys got a jump for free before we arrived. We watched him and a few others jump then headed off up to Mt Eden which is one of the many volcanoes surrounding Auckland (around 48 or 43 i think?) took a few pics then headed for some lunch (after some hard selling for the tour, but was too little to late for us as we'd already booked ours however Dave being Dave decided to tell them this!) After lunch we went to climb the harbour bridge - worked out really well as it normally costs about $30 dollars but being on the free tour....we got it for free too! Unfortunately our hostel forget to tell us to wear closed shoes so we both had to borrow some sexy and not very smelly!!! shoes! (horse s*** shoes mum and Lozza!!!!) to cross the bridge - similar sort of style to the Sydney harbour bridge but no where near as high or impressive - when we got there one of the guys on the tour decided to do a bungee so we got to watch him and a few other guys - a little tempted to do it as it didn't look to high but i know once i've done once i wont be doing it again so decided to hold myself out for Queenstown! All the boys jumped and a few got dunked, then some of them got a little cocky and decided to jump again but this time doing some aerobatics e.g somersaults and stuff - fair play though as me and Dave stood looking on and smiling rather then partaking! After that we met up with our friend Miek from OZ who's not having a very good time of it and after a quick catch up she had managed to persuade me to go to the cinema with her (i couldn't really say no!).
We was expecting Rich and Liz to turn up at around 2am but woke the following day and they weren't in the room, they had no phones either so we assumed they had missed there flight or connecting flight? In the meantime we had also found another free tour - but with our actual bus co we had booked our NZ tour with (Kiwi Exp) so booked all four of us onto that, but as Dave and Liz hadn't showed up me and Dave went anyway and it turned out we were then the ONLY two on the tour that day! They normally do the bridge climb but Dave again decided it would be a good idea to tell him we'd gone on a tour the day before (bearing in mind this guy would have got a day off if we weren't on there so i felt kind of bad once Dave blurted that out!) Anyways he took us to a beach and showed us another mountain then took us for a climb up one and did alot of history talking etc etc (i'm not a lover of walking and being talked at but being the only two on the tour we kinda had too) Once finished he took us to a little fishing town and we all had fish and chips! yum Luckily by the time we had got back to the hostel Roch and Liz were there - they had checked in the night before but the receptionist had put them in another room doh! Anyway - all checked in and ready to go where do you think we all went for dinner.....NANDO's
After Nando's we all had a quite night ready to start our Kiwi adventure the next morning!
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