Next day we made our way to Lake Mahinapua, mostly referred to as the 'Poo Pub'! For most of you that don't already know its a small, quite dirty little motel and pub ran by an 84 year old guy called Uncle Les, he's a bit of a Kiwi icon and his picture is up in all the books and posters in hostels all over the place. The bus takes you there for the sole purpose of the fancy dress party they arrange - of which they only tell you the theme on the day and every group that goes they take a pic of which gets put on the wall! We stopped off at a small town to stock up on food to cover lunches and dinners for the next few days along with getting our outfits - at first the theme was bad taste - and Rich decided to go as a paedophile but then it got changed to what you want to be when you grow up and Rich still decided to go as a paedophile, nice! Anyways - we had little time, options and money but Dave ended up buying a mask and a gun and going as a robber, Liz got a wig and went as a hippy and I eventually decided to go as a playboy bunny (one purchase and cheap - only had to wear a black vest and my leggings - easy) So we arrived at the pub and Les came on to great us (he was so cute!) - we had all booked onto the dinner provided there aswell, the boys loved it - steak, venison stew (yes bambi meat! :-( potatoes etc etc - then we went and managed to find Rach and Charlotte in the poo pub party book! Did look for you too Lauren but weren't sure when exactly you went and there was sooooo many pics! We got in our outfits and think Rich got into it a little but too much as he constantly was practising his face pose, walk, standing (e.g. hands in pocket with his belly out) and speech! He looked really good though and managed to freak everyone out including the bus driver - there was a prize for the best dressed and Liz did warn him it may be the bungee which he would hate as he hates heights and nearly didn't do the sky dive. The girls in the room next to us looked good too, they went as hooters girls - Dave only managed to take 4 pics and 3 were of these girls so they did do well with their outfits ;-) So we spent the night in the little pub which roof is covered in hats, ears, wigs etc from previous buses and chose some really dodgy songs from the really old collection of party songs available e.g. the boys are back in town and so on - was a good night, and Rich even managed to get his mangina out again! Dave got a bit to into having a gun and every time I turned around if he wasn't shooting me or Rich he was shooting someone he didn't know - someone even come up to me and said that Dave freaked them out more then Rich - the night ended with another magina pose from Rich and a suprise one from Dave infront of the kiwi bus! The next day we managed to get ourselves out of bed to find the room in a complete mess - not sure if we could even see the floor and when I moved my backpack there was toothpaste covering the front which now (a few days on) still looks like a dodgy white stain! I said there was a prize for the best dressed so the next day they were talking us through the tours, activities etc available at our future stops and the driver this time showed us her video of the canyon swing - her one was called the 7 string which means you are held above a massive canyon on a piece of string and they one by one cut away until it can no longer hold your weight to which it eventually does break you freefall like a bungee before swinging though a tight gorge - once showed the video she asked Rich what he thought (think he said f**k that) and she said you will as your the winner! He had actually won and now gets the canyon swing in Queenstown for free! ha He's saying he's not going to do it but as the three of us are planning on it he's got to really! ;-)
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