We have now arrived in Fraz Joseph - even though its raining it's still beautiful here, we wanted to stay longer but because of the buses we couldn't so only have one free day which we are filling with our glacier hike - all really looking forward to that as we've had a bit of a quite week. You have to take your own lunch up the glacier (as there is no 711 at the top!) so we spent our first night getting ready - I got all Delia Smith and decided to do pasta but good old Dave cooked it for me as I needed to sort out our flights - after that we all got an early night as even though the bed was just as squeaky as they all tend to be - the bed is actually really comfy and has a fab duvet which for the first time in 5 months has actually made me miss my duvet and bed from home! :-( The hike meant another sexy outfit so the next day we kitted ourselves out in our jackets, trousers, boots, hats and lovely bum bags! which had our foot spikes or whatever you call them and made our way to the glacier. They break you down into groups dependant on your ability and confidence - Rich wanted to go in the 1st group but we decided to go in the 3rd which at times was a little hard core but don't think there was much difference between the groups - think it was just how unfit I was!!! We made our way to the bottom which was mostly rock and they told us a few bits of info about the glacier e.g. that it moves 4-6 meters per day!! so the routes and formations change all the time - I was already knackered before we even started heading up but as soon as we got to the ice I forgot and we made our way up more into the glacier, we went though crevasse which are like slits in the ice (formed where the glacier moves) they are narrow, also the further you go down the more blue the ice gets (which happens when all the oxygen is squeezed out!) the first was quite long and a little claustrophobic - was good fun and eventually we made it out the other end but the second was even tighter and we had to keep the same foot infront of the other as it wasn't wide enough to even rotate your hips, both me and Dave managed to trip over in this one but didn't do it again as our guide reminded us that if you fall over down there then you wont be able to get out - at the end was a rope which to my horror you were meant to drag yourself out with, I have absolutely no upper body strength and knew I wouldn't be able to do it, unfortunately I had too so after a few very embarrassing moments I managed to drag myself out! We continued with the hike and had lunch near the top, after lunch we went through another part where we had to drag ourselves out but this time there was no rope and the guide cut us steps (though I coudlnt seem to find the steps!) and had to have Dave push me while the guide pulled me - again very embarrassing as I was at the front and litteraly had to push off Dave's head and then needed both hands round the poor guide to get me out!! After all this we started making our way down with no more embarrassing moments for me, Dave however managed to step in some thin ice and get his whole foot in a very cold glacier puddle - at least the rest of the group knew where not to stand ;-) then when we was nearly down Dave tripped, fell and rolled down the glacier quite a way and i'm sure he only stopped as he hit the back of the guys legs infront of him but he's adamant he didn't! (he did!) he saved his camera though and only had a few cuts on his hand. As it was St. Patrick's day me and Liz took our hats up but the boys refused to wear theirs so we shared them with some of the rest of the group including the guide - who all loved them! We started our walk at about 9 am then onto the ice at around 10 am and finished at around 5.30 pm, long day walking but very much worth it. We wanted to go out and celebrate Paddy's day more but we was all so knackered so we had lunch in the pub before me and Dave headed off to the spa pools - I really didn't fancy it and just wanted to stay in my duvet which reminded me of home but was glad when I did go as it rejuvenated me enough to pack my bag ready for the early start the next morning! Franz Joseph really was beautiful and it was a real shame we didn't get longer there - the glacier climb was brilliant too and has been one of our best days yet.
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